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老友记/六人行/Friends 第五季 第二十二集 S05E22 The One with Joey

老友记/六人行/Friends 第五季 第二十二集 S05E22 The One with Joey's Big Break / 乔伊的大好机会来了

Joey drives to Las Vegas to shoot for a new movie. Rachel gets an eye infection. Phoebe is mad at Ross, but doesn't know why. 乔伊开车到拉斯维加斯拍一部新电影。瑞秋的眼睛感染。菲比在生罗斯的气,但不知道为什么。


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What's going on?

Well, my eye is a little itchy.

Uh, mine too. Yeah.

Wow, it's really red. You should go see my eye doctor.
你的眼睛好红喔 你应该去看我的眼科医生

Richard? I'm not gonna go see your ex-boyfriend.
理查?我才不要 找你的前男友看眼睛

Richard, that's all I ever hear. Richard, Richard, Richard.
理查 一天到晚理查个没完

Since we've been going out, I think I've mentioned his name twice.
打从我们开始约会以后 我想我只提过两次他的名字

Okay. So Richard, Richard.
那好 理查 理查

It's not Richard, okay? It's this new guy. He's really good.
不是理查啦 我新找的眼科医生很棒

I'm sorry. I'm not going to an eye doctor.
抱歉 我不去看眼科医生

- Oh, God. Here we go. - What?
天啊 老毛病又犯了 什么?

Any time anything comes close to touching her eye or anyone else's.she, like, freaks out.
每次只要趣到眼睛这档事 她.马上就避之唯恐不及


Ross, come on.
罗斯 你别闹了

All right, fine. I have a weird thing with my eye. Can we not talk about it please?
好 我对我的眼睛有怪癖 麻烦别再讨论了 行吗?

ALL: All right.

Hey, Rach. You know that great song?
瑞秋 还记得有首很棒的歌

Um, "Me, myself and eye."
(" 我" 我自己和 " 我" 和" 眼睛" 同音)

Aah! Monica. Come on.
摩妮卡 别闹啦

Does anyone wanna get some lunch? All those in favor, say "eye."
有没有人想吃午餐? 有意愿的请说

Ross, stop it. Come on.
罗斯 拜托别闹了啦

How much did I love The King and "Eye."

- Chandler.

- Me too, me too.

Just stop it. That's enough. Come on.
够了 别玩了

- You okay there, man? - Yeah. I got too excited.
你还好吧? 对 我太兴奋戳到了

All right, I gotta go. I'm taking Ben to the park.
先走了 我要带班去公园

- Oh, give him a kiss for me. ROSS: All right. Bye.
帮我亲下他 好 再见

- Bye. - Bye.Later.
再见 稍后见

I am so sorry you got caught in the middle of that.

I didn't mean to be so out there, but I am furious with him.
我也不是故意这么夸张 但我真的很生他的气

Calm down?

I'm trying, but, man, that guy can push my buttons.
我在克制 但一想到那个人我就有气

Why are you so mad at him?

- Look, I don't wanna talk about it, okay? - Well, it seems like...
我不想谈 好吗? 只是

You wanna be on my list too? Keep talking.

Has anyone seen my list, by the way?
对了 谁有看到我的黑名单?

Uh, no. What's it look like?
没看到 长什么样子?

- Um, a piece of paper and it says "Ross." - I see.
就是张纸 上头写了" 罗斯" 了解

I just got off the phone with Estelle. Guess what?
我刚和伊斯特讲完电话 你们猜怎么了?

I got the lead in a movie.

You got the lead in a movie? That's amazing! What's the movie about?
你要演电影主角 太厉害了 是什么电影?

Oh, it's called Shutterspeed.

It's really cool.Yeah, um, I meet this girl in the subway and we fall in love in, like, a day, right?
超酷的 我在地铁遇见一个女孩 一天之内坠入情网

And then she disappears. But I find out where she lives.
后来她消失无踪 但我找出了她住在哪里

And when I get there, this old lady answers the door. I say, "Where's Betsy?"
到那充后一个老太太出来开门 我问她" 贝丝在哪里?"

Right? And she says, "Betsy's been dead 10 years."
她说" 贝丝已经过世十年了"

Ooh. Chilling.
喔 毛骨悚然

Oh, and the best part is we're filming in the desert outside of Vegas.
最棒的部分是 拍片地点在赌城外的沙漠

- You know what that means, buddy. - Yeah, I know that means buddy
兄弟 你知道那是哈意思 对 我知道那是哈意思

Road trip. Yeah, we can rent a car. I just have to be there by Tuesday.
开车杀过去 我们可以租车 我周二以前到那袒就行了

Oh, wait. My grandmother's dead.
等等 我祖母过世了

Well, uh, we can talk about that too, Pheebs.
菲比 我们也可以聊聊那件事

No, no, her cab.
不 我是说她的计程车

She probably won't be using it. You could drive it to Las Vegas.
她八成用不到了 你们可以开去赌城

All right. Thanks, Pheebs.
好耶 菲比 谢了

What are we gonna do about my job?

- Oh, uh, not go. - All right, great. Road trip, baby.
别去了 好耶!棒!上路罗!

Is this okay with you?

Chandler, you don't have to ask for my permission.
钱德 你不用征求我的允许

- You can go. - Thank you.
我让你去 谢谢

Hey, Rach, come on,We're gonna be late for the eye doctor appointment
瑞秋 快点 要去看眼科了

All right. Let's get this over with. Ugh.
好啦 早去早解脱

RACHEL: Oh, no.

Look what I did.
糟糕 我真是笨手笨脚的

I mean, look at this mess.I mean, we're gonna probably have to clean this up, you know?
搞得一团乱 我得先来清理一下

I mean, we're gonna have to reschedule.

If you thought that this mess was gonna bother me, you are wrong.
若你认为这点脏乱会困扰我 那你就错了

All right, let's go, Blinky.
我们走吧 眨眼姑娘


Oh, hey, Joey. What's up?
乔伊 你怎么了?

I can't decide which route to take to Vegas.

Hey, you've traveled a lot, right?- Yeah, I've been around. - Okay.
嘿 你去过不少地方吧? 对 见过世面

So which route should I take? The northern route or the southern route?
那我该选哪一条? 北线还是南线?

Ooh, if you take the north route, there's a man in Illinois with a beard of bees.
走北线途经伊利诺州 有个男人会用蜜峰当胡子

Great. Problem solved.
太棒了 问题解决

But on the southern route, there's a chicken that plays tic-tac-toe.
但是走南线的话 可以看会玩井字游戏的鸡

Well, back to square one.

Oh, I know a way that you can decide.

All right, I'm gonna ask you a series of questions and you answer as quickly as you can.
我会问你一连串的问题 你回答得越快越好

- Yes.

- Good. But wait.
很好 不过先别急

Here we go. I want you to relax.
开始罗 你先放轻松

Take a deep breath.

Clear your mind. Which do you like better...

...peanut butter or egg whites? - Peanut butter.
花生酱和蛋白 你喜欢哪个? 花生酱

Which would you rather be a fireman or a swimmer?
消防员和游泳选手 你比较想当哪一个?

- Swimmer.

Who would you rather sleep with Monica or Rachel?
摩妮卡和瑞秋 你比较想跟谁上床?


I always thought it'd be Rachel.

- No thinking, no thinking.

Tie or ascot? - Ascot.
领带或颌巾? 领巾

- North route or south route? - North.
南线或北线? 北线

- Bam, there you go. Huh? - Wow.
答案出现 厉害吧

That was incredible. Beard of bees here I come.
不可思议 蜜峰胡 我来罗

- Hey. - Oh, this guy again.
嘿 这家伙又来了

Hey, what's up?

Uh, not much. You guys wanna see a movie tonight?
普通 今晚想看电影吗?

- Sure. What do you wanna see?
好啊 你要看什么?

- I don't know. Um...

I know how we can decide. Phoebe, show him your game.
我知道我们要如何决定 菲比 让他见识你的游戏

Um, no, thank you.
免了 多谢

What's with her?

I don't know. But I know how we can decide.
不知道 但我知道怎么决定了

Okay, I'm gonna ask you questions and you answer real quick, okay?
我问你问题 你要很快回答 好

- What's better, action or comedy?
动作片或喜剧 你比较喜欢哪一个?

- Action.

Who would you rather sleep with, Monica or Rachel?
摩妮卡和瑞秋 你比较想跟谁上床?

Dude, you are sick.
老兄 你真变态

Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot you had that whole Rachel thing.
抱歉 我忘了你迷恋过瑞秋

Oh, my God. What does that thing do?
天啊 这是干嘛的?

- Uh, that's an eye removal machine.

- All right, I'm out of here.I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
好了 我要走了 开玩笑的啦

Hi, Rachel, I'm Dr. Miller.Monica told me you were a little nervous,
瑞秋 我是米勒医生 摩妮卡说你有点紧张

but don't worry everything's gonna be just fine.
不过别担心 不会有事的

- So we're done then. - Almost, but first we gotta start.
那就结束了 还差点 我们要先开始

- This is the glaucoma test. - Uh-huh.

Sit down.

- Okay.

- Put your chin here.

Now, you'll feel a small puff of air in each eye.
好 眼睛会有风吹的成觉

Uh, a what?

A small puff of air. Now, come on.
点点的风啦 你快点!

- Here we go. - All right.
来罗 好

One, two, three.
二 三

I'm sorry. All right.
抱歉 好吧

Ha, ha, I'm gonna stay in here this time. Okay.

- Ready? - Uh-huh.

- One, two... - I'm sorry.

You know what? I'm gonna hold her head.
我来抓她头好了 好

- That's okay. - Okay.
不用了 好

One two... - Oh! I'm sorry.

You know what? You're young. You probably don't have glaucoma.
你还年轻 应该没有青光眼

I'm okay.Okay, so it was very, very nice to meet you, sir.
太好了 很高兴认识您

- Ow! Hey, what are you...? Are you crazy? - Okay.

You got a small, minor infection in that left eye.
好 你的左眼有些微感染

I want you to take these drops three times a day and you'll be as good as new.
这眼药水一天点三次 连续一周你就宛如新生了

No, I don't put things in my eye.

Okay then. I guess we'll see you back here in three months.
那好吧 三个月后再见

- Great. - And I'll fit you for a glass eye.
太棒了 我到时帮你装上义眼

Okay, just give me the damn drops.
好啦 把那死眼药水给我

Dr. Miller?


Very good, Monica.
摩妮卡 棒极了

- You know where they are. - I sure do.
你知道奖品放在哪里 我当然知道

And you don't get one.

You know, I gotta tell you, those eye drops are a miracle.My eye is 100 percent better.
那眼药水实在是太神奇了 我的眼睛百分之百好了

- They're still in my coat. - Damn.
眼药水还放在我的外套里 可恶

- Hey. - Hey, you ready to go?Listen, how cold is it gonna be there?
准备好上路了没? 好了 不过那边会有多冷?

Do I need a coat or will all these sweater vests be enough?
我要带外套 还是带这些毛衣就够了?

- What? - I love you.
怎么了? 我爱你

Man, I wish Ross was coming with us. I'm gonna miss him.
真希望罗斯也能一起去 我一定会很想念他的

Thanks a lot. I just got that jerk out of my mind.
真是多谢你了 我才刚把那个混蛋给忘掉

Hey, so where are we staying? Is the movie putting us up in a big hotel suite?
我们住哪里? 电影公司招持的饭店大套房?

Uh, no, not really. It's an independent film.So we don't have a real big budget.
不算是 这是独立制月的电影 没有大预算

I figured I'd just stay in your room.

I see, but once you get your first paycheck, you'll be springing a big hotel suite, right?
了解 但等你拿到酬劳之后 你会请我住饭店大套房吧?

Lead in the movie, they must be paying you a lot.

Oh, yeah. Check this out.
是啊 我算给你听

For every dollar Shutterspeed make sone penny of it goes right in Joey's pocket.
《极限速度》每赚一块钱 乔伊就能分到百分之一

So you don't get paid unless the movie makes money?

Did you not hear the plot of the movie?

"She's been dead for 10 years."
" 贝丝已经过世十年了"

I'm gonna be a millionaire.

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

I just wanted to say goodbye to you guys.

And to see if maybe you guys will place a little bet for me.

Twenty bucks on black 15.

- You got it. ROSS: All right.
没问题 好

- All right. Bye-bye, now. RACHEL: Bye, you guys.
再见 再见

- I'm gonna say goodbye at the car. - Okay.
我去车子那里替你送行 好

Anybody wanna say goodbye to me at the car?

Oh, honey, I'll say goodbye to you at the car if you don't mind the pus.
我可以替你送行 只要你不介意我眼睛化脓

See you.

But wait a minute. The pus is good. It means it's healing.
等等 化脓是好现象 表示快要好了

Hey, Pheebs. What you reading?
菲比 你在看什么?




Come on.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.
抱歉 我不知道你在这里

Pheebs, are you mad at me or something?
菲比 你在生我的气吗?

Because if you are, please tell me what it is I did.

- Well, if you don't know, I can't help you. - Well, I don't know.
你不知道 我也帮不了你 我是不知道啊

Well, I can't help you.

Okay, well, whatever it is, I am very, very sorry. Okay?
不管是什么事 我都非常抱歉

Apology accepted.


- So we're good? - Uh-huh.

All right.

I'll, uh, see you later, okay?- Bye, fat ass
那晚点见罗 好 大屁股

- All right.

Phoebe, come on, will you please tell me what it is that made you so mad at me?
菲比 你快点说 我做了什么让你这么不爽?

I don't know. I don't remember.
我不知道 我不记得了

Well, if you can't remember, can't we just forget about this?
既然忘了 那能不能就算了?

Oh, no. I am mad at you. I know that much.
不行 我生你的气 这很确定

But I am sorry about the "fat ass" thing because you actually have a very sweet little heinie.
但我很抱歉骂你大屁股 因为你的小屁屁很可爱

Man, I'm getting pretty tired. You might have to take over soon.
天啊 我开得好累 你得随时准备接手

We've been driving for a half-hour.

And you haven't looked at the road once.

Don't worry. It's out there.
别担心 路就是路嘛

- Maybe I just need lunch. - Yeah.
我想我该吃午饭了 是啊

You wanna eat? My treat.

Isn't that Ross' money?

Yeah, okay.Ross' treat.
是啊 好吧 罗斯请客

Where do you wanna eat?- I don't know.
你想吃什么? 我不知道

- Oh, hey, I know how we can decide.

All right, uh, I'm gonna ask you questions.and then you have to answer real fast, okay?
我问你一堆问题 你得很快回答

So, uh, clear your mind. Clear it right out. Clear it out.Okay.
不要想事情 什么都不要想 好

- Would you rather be too wet or too dry? - Too dry.
你宁愿太湿或太干? 太干

- Do you believe in ghosts? - No.
你相不相信有鬼? 不相信

- Is this movie gonna be my big break? - No.
这电影会让我翻身吗? 不会

- What? - Yes.
什么? 会

- Dude, you said no.

- I also said yes.

You don't think this is gonna be a big break for me?
你不觉得我这次会翻身? 对

I don't believe this.

Look, Joe, I just don't want you to get your hopes up too high.
乔伊 我只是不要你期望太高

What are you talking about? I'm the lead in a movie.
你在胡说什么? 我是电影主角耶!

They're not even paying you.

This doesn't even sound like a real movie.

You know, I don't know why you're dumping all over my big break.
我不需要听这种话 搞不懂你干嘛泄我的气

Because, Joe, I don't think this is going to be your big break.
乔伊 我不认为你这次能翻身

Is that why you're on this trip? Huh? To make me feel like a loser?
所以你才来这赵? 让我觉得自己是窝囊废?

- Because if it is, I'd rather be alone.
如果是这样 那我宁愿自己去

- You don't want me on the trip?Not if you're like this.
你不要我陪你去? 你这样我不要也罢

Tell you what, the next time you ask me a question like that, I'll lie.
那好吧 下次你再问那种问题 我骗你就是了

Yeah, I don't want you on the trip.

All right, fine. Why don't you pull over? I'll get out now.
好 无所谓 你停车 我.马上走


Get out.You're not supposed to stop on a bridge.
滚吧 在桥上不能随便就停车

- Get out. - Fine.
滚啦! 好啦!

CHANDLER: Wait. Wait. There's no sidewalk.
等等 桥上没有人行道!

Yeah. I'm gonna die here.
对 我一定会死在这里

Okay, are you mad at me because my hair gel smells?
好 你生我的气 是因为我发胶有怪味?


Are you angry with me because I said your handwriting is childlike?
你生我的气 是因为我说你写字像小孩?

No, that made me feel precious.
不是 这样才特别啊

Oh, I know. Is it because he's always correcting people's grammar?
我知道了 因为他老爱纠正别人文法?

You know, "whom, whom."
什么" WHOM" 个没完

Sometimes it's "who."
有时候是用" WHO" 啦!

Yeah? Sometimes it's...

Oh, did you beat him at a board game?He turns into such a baby when he starts to lose.
还是你玩西洋棋赢了他? 他闲始居于劣势就很孩子气

- Okay, I'm the baby. .
好 我孩子气

- Hey. Stop it

- Hey. MONICA: What are you doing here?
嗨 钱德 你怎么会在这里?

Joey kicked me out of the car on the bridge.
乔伊在华盛顿大桥上 把我赶下车

- Why?

I don't know. He went crazy.We were playing that game where you ask a question and have to answer fast.
不知道 他突然发讽 我们在玩快问快答的游戏

Oh, that game should not be played without my supervision.
没有我在场监督 绝对不能玩那个游戏

Well, I don't know what made him mad.

All I said was that, uh, I didn't think this was gonna be his big break...

...that this movie wasn't gonna do anything for him...

...and that it didn't sound like a real movie.

Okay, he should've pushed me off the bridge.
好啦 他该把我推下桥才对

What's in the bag?

Oh, I figured you guys would all be mad at me...
我猜想你们大家也会对我不爽 I got you some gifts that I found on the side of the road.

- Who wants the teddy bear with one leg? - I do.
谁要条腿的泰迪熊? 我要


- Not even close. - Okay, well, help me. I can't do this.
差远了 好啦 你帮我 我没办法

All right, come on. Let's do it.
来 我帮你

- All right. - Sit down.
坐下 好

- All right, put your head back. All right. - Yes. Okay.
头往后仰 好

- Now, open your eyes. - Okay, they are.
把眼睛张开 好 张开了

- How many fingers am I holding up? - Four.
我举了几只手指头? 四只

Oh, my God, I was thinking four.
天啊 我心里想的也是四只

- Really? - Yes.
真的? 是啊

All right, why don't we start with a practice one, okay?
这样吧 我们先来预演次 好

- No drops. - Great.
不滴眼药水 太好了

On three. One, two, three.
数到三 一 二 三

My pillow's all wet.

Well, you said it was practice.

- Then why did you move? - Because I knew you were lying.
那你干嘛动? 因为我知道你在骗我

- All right. Come here. Come on. - What are you doing? Monica.
好吧 过来 你要干嘛?

Stop it! Oh, my God, stop it.
摩妮卡 天啊!住手!

I am going Turn it over.
我要 转回来!

- Aah!I am going to get Get these drops in your eye.
我要把眼药水 滴进你眼睛

Oh, my God. You really are freakishly strong.
天啊 你蛮力真大

Aah! Aah! Monica, stop it!
摩妮卡 住手!

Damn, it's empty.
可恶 滴完了!

Wow. If Joey and Chandler walked in right now, we could make a fortune.
如果现在乔伊和钱德走进来 我们就发了

Ooh, that is definitely Chandler, Joey or Ross.
定是钱德 乔伊或罗斯

Or Rachel.


It's Joey.

I'm so glad you called. Chandler told me what happened. He's really upset.
真高兴你打来 钱德都说了 他很难过

Not as upset as he's gonna be when he finds out what I did with his sweater vests.
等他知道他毛衣的下场 他一定会更难过

What did you do to his sweater vests?

Let's just say there's a well-dressed pack of dogs in Ohio.
这么说吧 在俄玄俄州 有一伙打扮亮丽的狗

Monica, listen, is Phoebe there? I gotta ask her something about the car.
摩妮卡?菲比在吗? 我有车子的事要问她

MONICA: Yeah, hold on one second.
她在 你等等

- Hey, dude. JOEY: Hey, Pheebs.
嗨 嗨 菲比 你听我说

Listen, this wooden box keeps sliding out from under the seat.
座位底下有个木盒滑出来 那是什么?

- What is it? - Oh, that's my grandma.

And thanks, Joey. She's having a really great time.
乔伊 谢谢你 她玩得很愉快

Is that Joey? Is that Joey? Let me talk to him.

Joey, Chandler's here. He was wondering if...
乔伊?钱德在这儿 不知道你

Okay, I guess he ran out of change.

He won't even talk to me.How am I gonna apologize to him if he won't even talk to me?
他连话都不想跟我说 这样我要怎么跟他道歉?

Maybe you should send him something.

So when he gets to Las Vegas, he'll know that you're sorry.
等他到了赌城 就知道你想表达歉意了

That's a good idea. I wonder where I could get a basket of porn?
好主意 上哪儿找一堆A片?

Oh, no, don't say I'm sorry with porn.
不行 不能用A片道歉啦 真的?

You know what you should send him? A carton of cigarettes.Because that way he can trade it for protection.
你应该寄一条烟过去 他可以用来换取保护

No. That's prison.
错了 监狱里才是这样

Okay, Pheebs.I know how we're gonna figure this out.
菲比 我知道要怎么找出原因

Okay. Clear your mind...
好 什么都不要想

...and answer the first thing that comes into your head.


What do you like better flora or fauna - Fauna.
你比较喜欢植物还是动物? 动物

Who would you rather be Simon or Garfunkle? - Garfunkel.
你想当赛门还是葛芬柯? 葛芬柯

- Why are you mad at me? - You said I was boring. Oh.
你为何生我的气? 因为你说我很无趣

When did I say you were boring?

Oh, my God, I remember now. We were playing chess.
天啊 我想起来了 我们下西洋棋那次

Phoebe, you and I have never played chess.
菲比 我和你没下过西洋棋

Oh, come on! Yes, remember that time on the frozen lake? We were playing chess, you said I was boring,
有啦 言己得冰冻湖那次吗? 我们玩西洋棋 你说我很无趣

and then you took off your energy mask and you were Cameron Diaz!.
然后你脱下面具 变成了卡麦蓉狄亚

Okay, there's a chance this may have been a dream.
好吧 这有可能是梦境

Hey. Stanley. Hey.
嘿 史丹利! 嘿

Your leading man is here. Let's get to work.
你的主角来了 咱们开工吧

Um, slight change of plans. We've shut down.
计划有些改变 我们停拍了

What? Why?

It's a money thing. We don't have any.

- Ha, ha. You're kidding, right? - No.
你在开玩笑吧? 不是

- What?

- It's probably just temporary.

We're hoping to get more money soon, so if you could just, uh, hang out.
我们希望能快点筹到资金 你先撑一下

Hang out? How long?

I don't know. A week. Maybe two.
不知道 一 两个星期吧

The money'll turn up.People always wanna invest in movies.
资金会出现的 大家都爱投资拍片

Hey, you're not rich, are you?- No.
你该不会是有钱人吧? 我不是

- Worth a shot.

Well, Joey, let me know where you're staying, okay?
乔伊 让我知道你在哪儿落脚

- Hey, pal. Are you Joey Tribbiani? - Yeah.
老兄 你是乔伊崔比亚尼吗? 我是

These got left for you.Thanks.
这是有人留给你的 谢了

"Congratulations on your big break."
" 恭喜你翻身了"


Monica, it's Joey.
摩妮卡 我是乔伊

- Hey, Joey.Aw, you remember me even though you're a big star.
乔伊 你当了大明星还是记得我

JOEY: Aw, come on. It'll be years before I forget you.
得了吧 忘记你也要好几年

Joey, what's it like on a movie set, huh?
乔伊 拍片现场是什么样子?

Do you have a dressing room? Do you have a chair with your name on it?
你有自己的更衣室吗? 有专属的和人座椅吗?

JOEY: Uh, yeah, yeah, I got all that going on.
有啊 一切都在进行当中

Listen, uh, make sure you tell Chandler he couldn't have been more wrong.
你一定要跟钱德说 他完完全全看走眼了

Uh-oh, I gotta go, Monica. My, uh, sushi's here.
摩妮卡 我得挂了 我的寿司送来了

Sorry about that. Thanks for waiting. Okay.
抱歉 多谢你们等我 没关系

Everybody smile.Okay.Thanks a lot.
大家笑一个 好了 多谢

Enjoy your stay at Caesar's. We hope it's toga-rific.
希望你们在凯萨住得愉快 祝福你们" 罗马" 精神

Ugh. Kill me. Kill me now.

- Hey, Rach, can you pass me the TV Guide? - Yeah.
瑞秋 《电视指南》递给我好吗? 好啊

- Go!

What are you doing?

Get off! Oh, my God!
住手! 天啊!

Hold it open. Okay. - Aah!

We'll see you in about three or four hours.
三 四个小时后再见

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