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老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第四集 S06E04 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance / 乔伊没买保险

老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第四集 S06E04 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance / 乔伊没买保险

Joey's health benefits lapse just as he develops a hernia. Ross is given a professorship at NYU and eager to impress his students, he puts on a fake English accent. 乔伊的健康效益递减正如他发展出一种疝。罗斯是在纽约和急于取悦他的学生教授,他戴上一个假的英国口音。


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Monica, which of all of this kitchen stuff is mine?
摩妮卡 厨房有哪些东西是我的?

This bottle opener.

- And? - And it's a magnet.
还有呢? 还有上面的磁铁

Look at that.

How weird is that?

Y'know? You're moving in with me and have the one thing I don't have.
你要搬来跟我住 而我就缺一个开罐器

It's like uh, in a way you-you complete me

- Kitchen. - What?
我是说厨房 什么?

You complete me kitchen, matey.
你让我的厨房变得完整 室友

- Ross, I know what you're thinking. - What?
罗斯 我知道你在想什么 什么?

That she's gonna move in with you...and then maybe fall in love with you, and then...
她搬去跟你住之后 或许会爱上你

...when she finds out you're already married, oh, she'll be happy.
等她发现你们还有婚姻关系 就会很高兴

You know? You're just... You're very sad.

Oh, my God.

I see what this is. You are in love with Rachel.
我终于知道了 你爱上瑞秋了

- What? - Of course. It all adds up.I mean, you're obsessed with her.
什么? 没错 这就对了 你迷恋她

It's always;"Ross, what are you gonna do about Rachel?
" 罗斯 瑞秋的事怎么办?"

Ross, why are you moving in with Rachel?
" 罗斯 你为何要跟瑞秋住?"

When are you gonna confess your secret marriage to Rachel?"
" 你何时要承认没办注销?"

- You want her. - No!
你想要她 乱讲

Saved by the bell.Hello.

Hey, Rach. Aren't these candlesticks mine?
瑞秋 这对烛台不是我的吗?

No, no, I bought those.
不 那是我买的

- Oh, right. I forgot. - Yeah.
对喔 我忘了 对

That you're a liar.

No, no, that's great. I'll be there Monday. And thank you again.Okay.
不会 太好了 我星期一过去 再次谢谢你 好的

Um, that was the head of the paleontology NYU.
是纽约大学 古生物学的系主任

Wow. What did he say?

Uh, remember that paper I had published last year on sediment flow rate?

- Well, they loved it. - Well, who wouldn't?
他们很喜欢 有谁会不喜欢?

I know!

Anyway, they asked me to be a guest lecturer.

I mean, it's temporary,

but if they like me, it could lead to a full-time job.
但表现好 就可能转任正职

How great would that look on the mailbox, huh? Professor Geller.
标在信箱上可师了 盖勒教授

Yeah. Professor and Mrs.
是啊 教授与夫人

And Mrs?

Oh, yeah, you know, you and Ross are still married.
对 你和罗斯还是夫妻


Just kidding.

Oh, God.

Saved your ass.

- Hey. - Hi.

- Hey. - What's the matter?
嘿 怎么了?

Well, ahem.

- You know that psychic I see? - Yeah?
我不是有在看灵媒吗? 是啊

She told me that I'm gonna die this I'm kind of bummed about that....
她说我这个星期会死 所以我有点沮丧

- What? Yeah, and I know you guys don't know a lot about psychic readings,
什么? 对 我知道你们不太懂通灵术

...but that one is pretty much the worst one you can get.

Phoebe, that's crazy.I can't believe she'd say that to you?
这太夸张了 她居然咒你死

Yeah, honey, you don't believe her, do you?

I don't know. She, you know, said that I'd have triplets...

...but she also said one of them would be black.

Just out of curiosity, did she tell you how you were gonna go?
纯属好奇 她有提到死法吗?

No, because she didn't tell me I was gonna die till the end of the session.
没有 她到最后才告诉我

And I was not gonna waste a whole other hour there.

I mean, I've only got a week left, you know?I've really gotta start living now.
我只剩一星期了 我得闲始享受人生

- Hey, everyone. - Oh, hi.
大家好 嗨

- Hey. - Hey. Well, today's my first lecture...
嘿 我今天第次上课

...and I kind of wanted to try it out on you guys. Do you mind?
想找你们演练一下 可以吗?

No, that'd be great.
好啊 没问题


"There are three primary theories concerning sediment flow rate.

Each of these theories can be further subcategorized into two..."

Oh, this is it. This is what's gonna kill me.

"...subcategories. The first of these subcategories is..."
类别 第一个是

Um, Ross? Heh.

Are there, uh, naked chicks on that piece of paper?

No. Why?
没有 怎么了?

Well, I've just never seen a guy stare so hard at a piece of paper that didn't have naked chicks on it.
我没见过纸上没有裸女 男人还会死盯着看

Oh, okay. Okay.

"There are three primary theories...concerning sediment flow rate.

Each of these theories.....can be further subcategorized into..."

Why don't you open with a joke?

Open with a joke? It's a university, not a comedy club.
以笑话开场? 那是大学 不是喜剧俱乐部

Wait a minute, hold the phone.
等一下 且嗳

You're not talking about Chuckles University?


Come on, we're kidding.

You know what might make it less boring?Thank you.
你知道怎样会比较不无聊吗? 谢谢你喔

Some, um... Some visual aids.

Oh, oh! You know what's a good visual aid?Please don't say naked chicks.
你知道哪种影像辅助最好吗? 别跟我说裸女

Why not?

I don't even know why I bothered to even talk to you guys about it.

You know, I'm just gonna do it on my own, with no naked chicks.
我自己解决 不必用裸女

That's the way I did it till I was 19.

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

Any good mail?Yes, you got something from the Screen Actors Guild.
有有用的信吗? 有 演员工会寄信给你

Ooh, it's probably a residual check. Hey, can you open it? I got...
可能是重播费 你帮我拆一下 我

- "Benefits lapsed."

- Hmm. That's weird.I don't remember being in a movie called Benefits Lapsed.
怪了 我没演过这部片

Okay, it's not a check.They're saying your health insurance expired because...
这不是支票 你的健保失效了 因为 didn't work enough last year. - Let me see that.
你去年的工作时数不够 我看看

All right.

Oh, I can't believe this.

This sucks.

When I had insurance, I could get hit by a bus..or catch on fire, you know?
有保险时我可以被车撞 或是被火烧

And it wouldn't matter. Now I gotta be careful?
都无所谓 现在却得小心?

I'm sorry, man. There's never a good time to have to...stop catching on fire.
真可惜 被火烧这种事 停了总是不好

All right, well......I guess I gotta go get a job. I'm gonna see my agent.
好吧 我得找工作了 我去见经纪人

Okay, make sure to look both ways before you cross the street.

- Hey. - Hey, Pheebs, you're still alive.
嘿 菲比 你还活着

How are you feeling?It's so exhausting, waiting for death.
感觉如何? 等死好累喔

Oh, by the way, do you think you...
对了 你能不能?

Pheebs, what are you doing?
菲比 你干什么?

I was preparing you for...

Didn't you think I was dead?Did that not come off?
你没有以为我死了吗? 我装得不像吗?

Oh, yeah, scared the hell out of me. I thought we'd lost you forever.
像 我吓死了 我还以为我们永别了

- Pheebs, you wanna lie down? - Yeah, thanks.
你要不要睡下? 好 谢谢

And listen, can you do me a favor?
对了 帮我一个忙

Could you just wake me up in a couple hours.You know, if you can.
两个小时后叫我 如果还叫得醒的话


Did you take these back?

No, no. I just liked them so much that I went out and bought some for myself.
不是 我很喜欢 就去买了一对

Oh, yeah, they're really great, aren't they?- I love them. - Yeah.
真的很好看 对吧? 我好喜欢

Nice try.

- Hello. - Hey, how'd the lecture go?
哈罗 课上得怎样?

It went great.

And I didn't need any jokes or naked chicks either.
既不需要笑话 也不需要裸女

Oh, that's great. I'm sorry we weren't supportive before.
太好了 抱歉之前没有好好帮忙

I knew all I had to do was let the material speak for itself.

Everyone's all, uh, "Ross, you have to be funny and sexy."
每个人都说 " 你得表现得风趣又性咸"

Well, I proved them wrong.

And now I'm gonna pass the news on to Joey and Chandler.

- That you're not funny or sexy? - That's right.
说你不风趣也不性感? 没错

- Hey, Estelle, listen... - Well, well, well.
伊斯特 听着 哇

Joey Tribbiani.So you came back, huh?
乔伊崔比亚尼 回来了 是吧?

They think they can do better, but they all come crawling back to Estelle.
每个人都以为走比较好 但最后都爬回来求伊斯特

What are you talking about?

I never left you. You've always been my agent.
我哪有离开 你一直是我的经纪人

- Really? - Yeah.
是吗? 是啊

Oh, well, no harm, no foul.
我没恶意 你别在意

Look, Estelle, you gotta get me some work. I lost my health insurance.
伊斯特 你得帮我找工作 我的健保没了

All right, first thing we gotta do; Damage control.
好 首先得做伤害控制

- Why? - Well, I think, uh...
为什么? 我觉得

...someone out there.....may have been bad-mouthing you all over town.

The bastard.

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

So Estelle lined up a bunch of auditions for me tomorrow.

And I'll have my health insurance back in no time.

That's great, but shouldn't you be on the toilet right now?
太好了 但你现在应该去蹲马桶吧?

- What? - What's wrong with you?
什么? 你是怎么了?

Nothing.Well, I got this blinding pain in my stomach when I was lifting weights before.
没什么 我刚才举哑铃时 肚子突然一阵剧痛

And then I, uh, passed out...and, uh, I haven't been able to stand up since. Ha, ha.
然后就昏倒了 而且一直站不起来

But I don't think it's anything serious.

This sounds like a hernia. You have to... Go to the doctor.No way.
这应该是疝气 你得去看医生 我才不要

If I'm gonna go to the doctor for's gonna be for this thing sticking out of my stomach.
就算要去看医生 也是因为肚子这里突出来

That's a hernia.

Why'd I have to start working out again?

Damn you, 15s.

We're a little early. The lecture doesn't end for 15 minutes.
我们早到了 还要十五分钟才会开始

- Yeah, but we can sneak in and watch. - Yeah. Good.
对 但我们可以偷溜进去看 是啊

Oh, hey, look. There's some Kappa Kappa Deltas.I was a Kappa.
你看 是姊妹会的人 我以前也是会员

Hey, sisters.
嘿 姊妹们

Wow, we really are bitches.
哇 我们以前真的很机车

Right. So when Rigby got his samples...
好 瑞格比

...back from the laboratory...

...he made a startling discovery.

What he believed to be igneous was, in fact, sedimentary.
他原以为那是火山物质 其实是沉积物

Imagine his consternation when...

Oh, bloody hell.

What the hell are you doing?

Look, I was nervous.You guys had me all worried I was gonna be boring.
我很紧张 你们害我担心我会很无聊

I got up there and they were all, like, staring at me.
我上了台 学生都盯着我看

I opened my mouth and this British accent just came out.

Yeah, and not a very good one.

Will you, please?

Dr. Geller? Kurt Rathman.I'm a professor in the paleontology department here.
盖勒博士 我是寇特拉斯曼 古生物学系教授

Do you have a moment to talk about your lecture?

I'm sorry, I've got plans with my sister.
抱歉 我和含妹有约

Monica Geller.

Right. Will you excuse us for one moment?
是的 失陪一下

What are you doing?You can have an accent, but I can't?
你干什么? 你能装我就不能装?

Top of the morning to you, laddies.

Would you just please stop?


Bombay is very, very nice this time of year.
这个季节的孟买 灰常怡人

Hey, will you grab me a cruller?

Sit down.

- Will you go to the hospital? - Dude, hernia operations cost, like...
我拜托你去看医生 大哥 疝气手术

...a lot probably, okay?

Besides, it's getting darker and more painful.That means it's healing.
而且它越来越黑 越来越痛 就表示有在好

Look, I will loan you the money.Just go to the hospital and let's just get that thing...
我借你钱 赶快去医院把它

...pushed back in.

Thank you, but it'd take me forever to pay you that money back.And I don't want that hanging over my head, okay?
谢谢 但我要很久才能还你 我不想惦记这件事

Besides, as soon as my insurance kicks in...I can get all the free operations I want.
而且只要健保恢复 我就可以动各种免费手术

I think I'll probably start with that laser eye surgery.

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

Hey. - What's going on?
嘿 怎么了?

Oh Joey's got a really bad hernia, but that's nothing a little laser eye surgery won't fix!
乔伊的疝气很严重 不过动个眼睛雷射手术就好了

Look, I'm telling you, if I put my hand on my stomach right doesn't hurt that bad. Ah.
真的 把手压在这里就还好

Hey, maybe you'll die.

Chandler, I'm scared.
钱德 我怕了

No, we can go together.

Just don't wait too long, though..because I'm out of here sometime before Friday.
但不要拖太久 我星期五之前就会挂掉

But I don't want to die.

No, no. It'll be fun.We can come back and we can haunt these guys.
不 会很好玩 我们可以回来吓他们

- Give me them. - No, they are mine.
给我 不要 这是我的

- You stole them from me. - You stole them from me.
是你偷我的 你才偷我的

Give me them.

You just wanna each take one?

Yeah, that seems fair. We never use them.
很公平 反正也没用过

Look, I really need some help, okay?
听着 你们真的得帮我

Why? Why did I have to speak in a British accent?

What do I do?

Well, why don't you phase it out? Yeah, phase the accent out.People will think that you're adjusting to life in America.
·升·嗳把口音改掉 别人会以为你在适应美国生活

Yeah, I mean, come on. No one will even notice.I mean, they're probably not even listening to you.
是啊 根本不会有人注意 搞不好根本没人在听

They're not listening to me?Of course they're listening to you.Everybody listens to you.
没人在听我讲话? 当然有 每个人都在听你讲话

Monica, do you really think I should try this phasing-out thing?

I think you look fine.

Whenever you're ready. - Okay.
好了就开始 好

Hey, Timmy.

I've got a surprise...for you.

Hold it. I'm sorry.The surprise is a new swing set.
停 抱歉 这个惊喜是一组新秋千

If you could play it less intense.Oh, yeah. Sure, no problem. Just hold on one second.
别演得这么凝重 好 没问题 等我下

Hey, Timmy.I've got a surprise for you.
提米 我要给你一个惊喜

Oh, my God!

So that's why I feed my dog Purina One.Pick up a bag today.
所以我都喂我的狗吃跑路 今天就去搬一包吧

- That's where you pick up the bag. - Exactly.
这时候你要把它搬起来 没错

No, the line is, "Pick up a bag," so you need to pick up the bag.
不是 台词是搬一包 所以你得把它搬起来

Or I could just point to it. Huh?Blah, blah, blah.

Purina One. Point to a bag today.
跑路 今天就去指一包吧

- I didn't get it, did I? - No.
我没过 对吧? 没有

Yeah, okay.


I'm Joey Tribbiani.I'm here to audition for "Man."
我是乔伊崔比亚尼 我来应征的人

You mean "Dying Man."Yes.
垂死的人吗? 没错

- Okay, come on. Do it one more time. - Really? Really? Okay.
快 再打次 真的要打?好

Ross, this is Dr. McNeely.....from Fake Accent University.
罗斯你好 我是假口音大学的麦尼利博士

We'd like you to come onboard with us full-time.

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

Listen to this.

My reading was wrong. I'm not going to die.
预言错了 我不会死了

- Really? How do you know? - Because my psychic is dead.
真的?你怎么知道? 因为我的灵媒死了

- She must have read the cards wrong.

- Oh, I'm sorry.Ah, better her than me.
我很遗憾 总比我死好

Hey, let's bake cookies!

Listen, I'm really glad you got the part.
恭喜你拿到这个角色 谢谢

- Are you sure you can do this? - Yeah.
你真的能演吗? 能

And, hey, thanks for coming with me.And thanks again for helping me take a shower.
谢谢你陪我来 还有谢谢你帮我洗澡

Now, is that "never talking about it again"?

Hey, Joey. We're ready for you.
乔伊 都准备好了

Joey, this is Alex. He's gonna be playing your son.Hi, Alex.
这是亚历 他演你的儿子 你好

And, uh, as you can see, my hands are not in my pants.


All right, uh, Alex. Now, when Joey says his line;"Take good care of your mama, son,"
亚历 当乔伊说到 " 好好照顾你妈妈"

that's your cue to cry. Got it?All right, let's do this.
你就要哭 懂吗? 好 来吧

Scene five, take one.
第五场 拍第一次

And action.

Take good care of your mama, son.
儿子 好好照顾你妈妈

ake good care of your mama, son.
儿子 好好照顾你妈妈

Come on, son.Your mama's good people.
拜托啦 你妈是个好人

Cut.Alex, remember, you're supposed to cry.- Can you cry for us this time?
卡 亚历 这里应该要哭 你这次可以哭吗?

- Okay.All right. From the top.
好吧 好 重来

Scene five, take two.
第五场 拍第二次

Take 36 is up.

Let's try this again.You ready, Joe?
再来一次 乔伊 你好了吗?

Uh, one thing, is it all right with you if I scream......right up until you say, "Action"?
请问一下 你喊开始前 我可以大叫吗?

- Sure. - Okay.
可以 好

- Action! - Take good care of your mama, son.
开始 儿子 好好照顾你妈妈

- Cut. - Aah!

I'm sorry. Hey, hey. Joe, why don't you lift up your shirt?Take a look at this, kiddo.
抱歉乔伊 你把衣服掀开来 小鬼你看

We have a crying child! Roll the damn cameras!
有小孩哭了 摄影机快拍

- Hello. - Hello, is Ross there?
喂 罗斯在吗?

No, he's not. Can I take a message?
他不在 你要留言吗?

Yes, this is Russell, Ross' divorce lawyer.
好 我是罗斯的离婚律师

Just tell him that since I haven't heard from him......I assume he's decided to give the marriage a try.
我一直没有他的回音 他应该是想试着经营这段婚姻

Ross got married again? Aah! No.
罗斯又结婚了? 不会吧

All right, keep going. We are phasing the accent out.Phasing it out.
继续 慢慢改掉口音

"So without retesting their results in the laboratory...

...the team would never have identified...

...the initial errors in their carbon dating analysis."

Were there any questions at this point?

- Yes. - What's happening to your accent?
请说 你的口音怎么没了?

Come again? What's this nonsense?
再说一次 你说什么?

All right. I'm not English.
好吧 我不是英国人

I'm from Long Island.

I was really nervous, and the accent......just, um... Just came out.I'm sorry.
我一紧张就冒出那个腔调了 很抱歉

So if we could just get back to the lecture.

Um, were there any questions?

About paleontology?

All right, look, I was just trying to make a good first impression.Obviously, I screwed up.
我只是想留下良好的第一印象 但我显然搞砸了

But what you guys think of me is really important......because I'm hoping to get a permanent job here.
但你们对我的看法很重要 因为我想成为专任教授

So if you'd just give me another chance to make a good impression...
如果你们肯再给我一次机会 制造好成

Ross. Are you crazy?I am still your wife?
罗斯!你疯了吗? 我还是你的老婆?

What, were you just never gonna tell me?What the hell is wrong with you?
你想瞒我一辈子吗? 你是哪袒有病?

Ugh, I could just kill you!

Well, hello, Rachel.
瑞秋 你好

- You've really done this before? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
你真的玩过? 真的

You just take a big, big swing, okay?

Now, don't hold back.
不要手软 好

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

What are you doing?We're just celebrating that Joey got his health insurance back.
你们在干嘛? 庆祝乔伊的健保恢复了

Oh, all right.

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