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老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第十七集 S06E17 The One with Unagi / 临危不惧,处变不惊

老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第十七集 S06E17 The One with Unagi / 临危不惧,处变不惊

Rachel and Phoebe take self-defense classes. Chandler and Monica agree to give each other homemade presents for Valentine's Day. Joey tries to get money through medical research. 瑞秋和菲比采取自卫防身课程。钱德勒和摩妮卡同意给对方情人节自制礼物。我试图通过医学研究得到的钱。


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Hey, remember when I had a monkey?- Yeah.
嘿 记得我之前不是春过猴子吗? 对

Yeah. What was I thinking?
对 我在想什么?

Hey, so, what's with the 20 percent tip? Did I do something wrong?
小费怎么才百分之二十? 我做错事了吗?

Twenty percent is a pretty generous tip.
百分之二十很大方了 乔伊

You know what's more generous than that? Fifty percent.

- You know what's even more generous? - I see where you're going.
你知道怎样更大方? 我知道你想说什么了

- What's up with the greed, Joe? - All right, look, I'm sorry, you guys.
你干嘛这么贪心?乔伊 好吧 对不起 只是

I gotta get these new head shots made. And they're really expensive, y'know?I'm down to like three.
我得照新的大头照 但是好贵 我只剩三张了

Actually, two, because one of them I kind of blackened in some teeth.Why'd I do that? Ugh.
其实是两张 有一张的牙齿 被我涂黑我秀逗啊

Well, isn't there something you can do to earn a little extra money?I mean, can't you pick up, I don't know, an extra shift here?
你不能设法多赚一点吗? 例如在这袒多轮一班

Or, you know, I used to beg for money.

Of course, it helps if you've got, you know, a little of this going on.

- Wow, I still have it. Yeah.
我现在还会 对

Wait, don't you have an audition today? Yeah. Maybe you'll get that job.
等等 你今天不是有试镜? 也许你会被桃中

Oh, ha-ha-ha.

Oh, wait a minute.I used to get medical experiments done on me all the time.
等等 我以前常参加医学实验

Ah, finally, an explanation.

No, I used to get paid for all kinds of medical stuff, remember?
不是 我以前常靠这个赚钱 记得吗?

Let's see. Uh Well, I don't wanna donate sperm again.I really prefer doing that at the home office, you know?
我想想 我不想再捐精子了 那种事在家做比较好

Ooh, ooh, maybe they want some of my blood or spit or something, huh?

- Joey. - Yeah?
乔伊? 怎样?

What did I tell you about talking to your friends while you're working?

Uh, do it?

That guy's been waiting for his coffee for 10 minutes.He's complained about you three times.
那个人等咖啡等了10分钟 他抱怨了你三次

Now, where was I?

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

Hey, what have you guys been up to?

- Oh. We went to a self-defense class today.

Wow.Yeah. Kicking a guy in the crotch all morning really takes it out of you.
对 踢了一早上的鼠蹊部 什么乌气都没了

Takes it out of you? Heh.

- No, now we can kick anybody's ass. - Yeah.
现在我们谁都能修嘿 没错

After one class? I don't think so.

What, you wanna see me self-defend myself?

Go over there and pretend you're a sexual predator.Go on, I dare you.
去假装你是性侵犯 有种就去

Of course you can defend yourself from an attack you know is coming.

That's not enough.

Look, I studied karate for a long time.
听着 我学了很久的控手道

And there's a concept you should really be familiar with.It's what the Japanese call unagi.
有个概念你们一定要了解 日文叫做Unagi

Isn't that a kind of sushi?

- No, it's a concept. - Yeah, it is, it is. It's freshwater eel.
那是一种概念 是寿司没错 那是鳗鱼

All right, maybe it means that too.

Oh, I would kill for a salmon-skin roll right now.

You know what? Fine, get attacked. I don't even care.
好 被攻击活该 我才不在乎

Come on, Ross, we're sorry. Please tell us what it is.
好啦 罗斯 对不起 快告诉我们

Unagi is a state of total awareness.

Okay? Only by achieving true unagican you be prepared for any danger that may befall you.
只有达到真正的Unagi 才能应付任何可能的危险

In case someone's trying to steal your bamboo sleeping mator your kettle of fish?
你是说有人要偷你的竹席 或鱼壶的时候吗?

All I'm saying is, it's one thing being preparedfor an attack against, like, each other.

Whole other story being prepared for an attack, I don't knowA surprise!

All right, you knew that was coming, but that doesn't mean you have unagi.
好 这次你们料到了 但不表示你们有Unagi

Ooh, if we made reservations, we could have unagi in about a half-hour.
你知道吗?现在订位 半小时后就能吃到鳗鱼

You know what?

- Hey, hey, is Monica here? - No.
嘿摩妮卡在吗? 不在

Okay, look, I need your help. I don't know what to get for Valentine's Day.
帮个忙 我不知道该送什么情人节礼物

Well, Valentine's Day was two weeks ago, so I wouldn't get her a calendar.
情人节已经过两星期了 我不会送她日历

Heh. She was working on Valentine's Day, so we're celebrating it tonight.
她那天要上班 我们改今天过

Oh, hey, why don't you book a day for both of you at one of those romantic spas?
嘿 去帮你们一起订个SPA嘛

Ooh, Joey, that's actually a really good idea.
乔伊 这个主意很棒

Yeah, and of course, crotchless panties.

Well, as appealing as that does sound to her boyfriendand her brother
虽然她的男朋友觉得很诱人 她哥哥也是

I can't do that we promised we'd make each other gifts this year

- Oh, I love that. - You guys.
我喜欢 真好

You can't make crotchless panties? You take

- You take a pair of scissors and just cut - Okay, okay, okay.
拿把剪刀给它剪 好了

So making things, that sounds so much fun.
做礼物 听起来好好玩

Yeah, I thought so to until I paper mached one of my eyes shut.
我也这么认为 直到我的眼睛糊到纸黏土

Oh, I love paper mache! What did you make?
我喜欢纸黏土 你做了什么?

I made a:

- What is that? - Nothing.
那是什么? 什么也不是

So, what are you gonna do?

Well, have you guys made anything that maybe I can take credit for?

Ooh, I have, I have. I started making these little sock bunnies.Oh, for crying out loud.
我有!我有!我做了袜子兔 了不起吧

Hey, wait a minute. That is my sock.
等等 那是我的袜子

Now it's your little bunny friend.


This actually is a:

- Hey. - Hey, honey.
嘿 嘿 甜心

Can I ask you a question about the Valentine's Day gifts?- Oh, yeah.
我能不能问你情人节礼物的事? 可以啊

- Do we have to make the entire thing?Yes. Why, did you forget to make yours?
全都要自己做吗? 当然 你忘了做吗?

Of course not.

I just have to, uh, go over to the place where I made it and pick it up.

- Okay. - Okay.
好 好

I can't wait. It's gonna be the best Valentine's Day ever.
我好期待 这会是最棒的情人节

I can't believe it. Make the presents. Make the presents.
我居然忘了 要做礼物

- What? - Just so excited to make the presents!
什么? 要做礼物好兴奋喔


Hi uh, I'm Joey Tribbiani and with all do respect I'd like to donate some fluids.
你好 我是乔伊崔比亚尼 我想捐赠一些体液

We're actually at the end of one of our research cycles, so we're not looking for applicants right now.
我们的研究刚告一段落 目前没有在找人

That's too bad. I've kind of been saving up.
真可惜 我存了一阵子

Uh, you sure there's no studies I can participate in?

Well, here's a schedule of what's coming up.Ah, thanks.
这是接下来的览表 谢谢

Oh, but this one starts now.

That one is available now, but only identical twins are eligible.- It's a twin study.
没错 但只限双胞胎 那是双胞胎研究

- But it's $2000.- Sorry.
但是有两千块钱 抱歉

Well, how about this one?"Testing the Effects of Joey Tribbiani on Attractive Nurse Receptionists."
那乔伊崔比亚尼 对美女接待的影响力实验呢?

We already got the results back on that one, and they're not good.
结果已经出来了 不太嘿想

- That was good. - Wasn't that a blast?
那真的不错 很棒对不对?

- Danger! Danger! - God, Ross!
危险! 天啊 危险 罗斯!

What the hell was that?A lesson in the importance of unagi.
你搞什么啊? 让你们认识Unagi的重要

You're a freak.


Now, I'm curious.At what point during those girlish screams would you have begun to kick my ass?
我很好奇 你们那样哀哀叫 什么时候才要修理我?

All right, so we weren't prepared.
好吧 我们没有准备

I'm sorry I had to take such drastic measures to make my point.But, look, I just want you guys to be safe.
抱歉用这种方法传达我的重点 我是为你们的安全着想


Ah, huh? Unagi.
看见没有 Unagi

Two thousand bucks is a lot of money.Boy, I wish I had a twin.
两千块好多 真想有个双胞胎兄弟

Where could I find someonewho looks exactly like me?
哪里才能找到 跟我长得一样的人?



I sensed it was you.


Unagi.I'm always aware.

Okay, are you aware that unagi is an eel?

- What's up? - I can't figure out what to make Monica.
什么事? 我不知道该为摩妮卡做什么礼物

Oh. Why don't you make her one of your little jokes?

I'm going crazy, okay?Do you have anything around here that looks homemade?
我快急死了 好吗? 你有没有状似自制的东西?

Oh, you know what? She'd love this.

It's an exact replica of Apollo 8. I made it in the sixth grade.
这是阿波罗八号的模型 我六年级时做的

Yeah, I guess I could use that. I could say, "Your love sends me to the moon."
这个也许可以用 我可以说你的爱让我飞上月亮

Yeah, yeah.

Except Apollo 8 didn't actually land on the moon.

But you could write, um:"Your love lets me orbit the moon twice and return safely."
不过你可以写你的爱 让我烧行月球两圈后顺利返航

Wait, I can't give this to her.- Why not?
等等 我不能送这个 为什么?

- It says "Captain Ross" on the side.- And it says "I hate Monica" on the bottom. - Oh.
因为旁边写着"罗斯队长" 底下写着"我讨厌摩妮卡"

Danger! Aah!
危险! 危险!

Ah. Salmon-skin roll.

Okay, okay.

Yes, honey, I made it myself.
没错 宝贝 这是我自己做的

I can't do it. I can't do it.
我剪不下去 我剪不下去

Oh, oh. A mixed tape. A mixed tape.

- Hey, hi. - Hey.
嘿 嗨 嘿

- You ready to exchange gifts? - Sure. Okay, you go first.
准备交换礼物了吗? 当然 你先

- Okay, come here, come here. - Okay.
好 过来 好

Okay, now, it's not wrapped, because I just finished it.
我没有包装 因为我刚完成 好

Okay.But I made you a tape of what I think are all romantic songs.

What a great gift.

Is "The Way You Look Tonight" on it?

Maybe. We'll have to listen and see.

- Oh, I love it. Thank you so much.
我好喜欢喔 谢谢你 不客气

Okay, you ready to open yours?

- Yeah. - Okay.
对 好

It's a sock bunny.

Ha, ha. Yeah, yeah. Remember how I call you "bunny"?Not really.
对 我不是有叫你小兔兔? 有吗?

Well, I did one time. And I wanna start doing it more.
我叫过一次 以后我想多叫

- That's what this is about. - I see.
所以做了袜子兔 我懂了

You know, um, Phoebe makes sock bunnies.

No. No, she doesn't.Phoebe, what she makes, that's They're sock rabbits.
不 没有 菲比做的是袜子兔子

They're completely different. Okay, okay.

Okay, I didn't make it. I'm sorry. I totally forgot about tonightand that we were supposed to make the presents.
这不是我做的 对不起 我完全忘了今晚和做礼物的事

- Oh, it's okay. I don't - No, no, it's not okay. It's not.
没关系 我 不 当然有关系

I mean, you're so incredible.You went through all this time and effort to make this tape for me.
你那么你那么用心 花那么多心血录情歌给我

You know, I'm just gonna I'm gonna make this up to you. I will.
我要补偿你 我一定会的

I am going to cook you anything you want in here.And I'm going to do anything you want in there.
我会下厨房煮你想吃的菜 进卧房玩你想玩的花样

Well, I did put a lot of thought into the tape.

- You are way too young to have seen that.
你还小 不该看的

Your birthday's in a month and a half.What do you say I forget to get you a present for that too?
再1个半月就是你的生日 要是我又忘记准备礼物呢?

You are totally and completely 100 percent forgiven.

- We have got to wash that. - Yeah.
那个得拿去洗 没错

Hey, do you remember that jacket that you loved so muchthat you thought was too expensive?
你不是看上一件外套 又嫌它太贵?

- You have done enough.

Ha, ha. I'm gonna wake up early and get it for you.

No, you don't have Get it in black, not brown.
你不必买黑色 别买咖啡色

- Oop. Your cake is ready. - Oop.

It's like that old saying, "Have sex, eat some cake."
俗话说得好 做做爱 吃吃蛋糕

Hey, Mon. Hey, Chan. Just getting a soda.
小摩 老钱 我来拿汽水

Who the hell are you?I'm Joey.
你是谁? 乔伊啊

How are you doing?

No, no, no!"How you doing?"

"How you doing?" Damn it, Carl. Go wait in the hall.

- Look, I got to apologize on behalf of Carl. - Who the hell is Carl?
我代替卡尔道歉 卡尔是谁?

Oh, did I not mention?

Carl is a guy I hired to be my identical twin for a medical research project.
我找卡尔来演我的双胞胎兄弟 好参加医学研究

You know, sometimes the good ideas are just right in front of you, aren't they?
有时妙计就在眼前 是吧?

Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I think it might work.But the only problem is Carl's acting is:
我知道很扯 但搞不好会成功 唯一的问题是卡尔的演技

The only problem?

eah, he's the reason I didn't get that big Minute Maid commercial a couple of years ago remember?
对 他害我两年前 痛失那支果汁大广告 记得吗?

We were supposed to be brothers, but he messed it up.
我们演兄弟 他却搞砸了

Hey. Can I get a little piece of that cake?
嘿 我可以吃一小块蛋糕吗?

Pizza. We like pizza. Get out!
彼萨 我们爱吃彼萨 滚出去

- Pat Sajak? - Yep.
派特赛贾克? 可以

- Alex Trebek? - Oh, of course.
亚历崔贝克? 当然

- Chuck Woolery? - Definitely.
恰克乌勒利? 绝对行

Phoebe, you will not find a single game-show host whose ass I cannot kick.
所有的综艺节目主持人 我都能修理

- Say it. - Say we are unagi.
说 说我们是Unagi

It's not something you are, it's something you have.
不是你是不是 是你有没有

Say it.

I could easily get out of this but there's a chance you could get very, very hurt.
我可以轻易挣脱 但你们可能会死得很惨

All right, Carl, we're next. Now, remember, what is this not gonna be?
好 卡尔 接着就是我们 记住 这次不能怎样?

- Another Minute Maid fiasco. - That's right.
重蹈那次果汁广告的覆辙 没错

And what are you not gonna do?

- I'm not gonna talk, because - Ah. Damn it, Carl.
我不能讲话 因为 你还讲 卡尔

Can I have the next one, please?Thank you.

Joey and Tony Tribbiani.That's us.
乔伊和汤尼崔比亚尼 我们就是

But, uh, this is a study for identical twins.That's right. Two thousand dollars.
可是这是双胞胎的研究 没错 两千大洋

But you're not identical twins.

Damn it, Carl.
都是你啦 卡尔

Oh, my good God.

Hey. Continuing the countdown of your favorite meals.Tonight, number three:
嘿 你最爱吃的食物倒数 今晚 第三名

Macaroni and cheese with cut-up hot dogs.

Look, you have done enough, okay? You have to stop this now.
你对我够好了 别再费心了

I will, but not tonight.
我会的 但不是今晚

For dinner music, I thought we could listen to that tape that you made me.

- Oh, the mixed tape.
喔 那卷合辑

Oh. "The Way You Look Tonight" is on here.Dance with me.
刚好有收录《你今晚的模样》 陪我即匕舞

You are just the sweetest.

I love the way you look every night, Chandler.
你每晚的模样我都爱 钱德

That's why I made you this tape.Happy birthday. Love, Janice.
所以我录这卷带子给你 生日快乐 爱你的珍妮丝

No, you're the sweetest.
你最好最好了 不

Okay, ladies, that ends today's class. Let's remember, let's be safe out there.
小姐们 今天的课到此为止 记住 一定要平安 好

- Great class. Heh. - Thanks, man.
你教得真好 谢谢

Yeah, yeah. I was watching.

Um, hey, a couple of questions, though.
嘿 不过我有一些问题

Um, you know that last move where that woman tripped you and then pinned you to the floor?
刚才最后那个女人把你绊倒 压在地上

What would you do next?

Well, she would take her keys and try to jam them .No, no, no. What would you do next?
她会拿钥匙来刺 不是 是你会怎么做?

- Who, me, the attacker? - Yes, that's right.
你是说攻击者? 是的

Why?I tried attacking two women. Did not work.
干嘛? 我想偷袭两个女人 却没成功

- What? - No, I mean, it's okay.I mean, they're my friends.
什么? 没关系 她们是我的朋友

In fact, I was married to one of them.

Let me get this straight. You attacked your ex-wife?

Oh, no, no, no. Heh.I tried.

But I couldn't. That's why I'm here.
却打不过她 所以才来找你

Maybe we could attack them together.

That's a no.

I am so, so, so sorry.

Oh! And I will cook anything you want in here and do anything you want in there.
我会下厨房煮你想吃的菜 进卧房玩你想玩的花样

Yeah, you will, and are you kidding me?
你当然得煮 你想得美喔

Come on, Monica, it's our Valentine's Day.Please, please, please?
别这样 这是我们的情人节 拜托啦?

- Okay. - Okay.
好吧 好吧

- So are we going in there? - I am.
要进房问了吗? 我要

Nowhere to run.

I don't like sitting up here. I'm gonna go over
我不喜欢坐这里 我要过去

No, Rachel, they got here first.
瑞秋 是他们先来的

- Why is Ross doing that? Danger!
罗斯在干嘛? 危险!

Oh, my God.

Why is he jumping on those women?

We should help them.

I don't think they need any help.

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