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老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第十八集 S06E18 The One Where Ross Dates a Student / 罗斯约会学生

老友记/六人行/Friends 第六季 第十八集 S06E18 The One Where Ross Dates a Student / 罗斯约会学生

Ross jeopardizes his career when he starts dating a student from one of his palaeontology classes. Rachel and Phoebe's apartment catches fire. 罗斯威胁到他的职业生涯时,他开始约会一个学生从他的一个古生物类。瑞秋和菲比的公寓着火了。


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Hey.I just got my teacher evaluations. Check out what this one student wrote.
我刚拿到教师评监表 你们听这个学生写的

"I loved Dr. Geller's class. Mind-blowing lectures.
"我爱盖勒博士的课 令人大呼过瘾"

Dr. Geller, you are definitely the hottie of the Paleontology Department."
"盖勒博士 您是古生物学系的猛男"

Ah, "Hotties of the Paleontology Department."There's a big-selling calendar, huh?
古生物学系的猛男们 做成月历一定卖

Who wrote it?

I wish I knew, but the evaluations are all anonymous.
我也想知道 但评监表是匿名的

- Do you still have their final exams? - Yeah.
期末考考卷还在吗? 在啊

cause you can just match the evaluation to the exam with the same handwriting and boom, there's your admirer.
你可以拿考卷来对笔迹 就知道仰慕者是谁了

A hot girl's at stake and all of a sudden he's Rain Man.
只要和女色有关 他就成了大天才

Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute. Why are we so sure that this is a girl?
等等 为何确定是个女生?

It's a girl.

Anyway, it wouldn't matter, okay?- Because I'm a teacher. She's a student.
总之没差 因为我是老师 她是学生

Oh, is that against the rules?

- No, but it is frowned upon. - I see.
没有 但是会有争议 了解

- Besides, there's a big age difference.

- Think of it like this. When you're 90
你就这么想 等你90岁

I know, when I'm 90, she'll be 80and it won't seem like such a big difference.
我知道 我90她就80 感觉就差不多了

No, that's not what I was gonna say at all.
不是 我不是要说这个

What I was gonna say is when you're 90

you'll still have the memory of what it was like to be with a 20-year-old.

嘿 钱德

you know that girl you went to college with who became a movie director?
你知道你那个 当上电影导演的大学同学吗?

Oh, yeah, Dana Keystone. She was in my movement class.
知道 黛娜基史东 我们一起修动作课

What's a movement class?

It's Chandler's way of pretending he didn't take mime.

Listen, anyway, she's directing the new Al Pacino movie.

- You gotta get me an audition.

- Oh. I haven't talked to her in like 10 years.
我不知道 我们10年没联络了

Oh, no, no, no. Please, Chandler, I would owe you so much.
不 求求你 就当我欠你

You do owe me so much.

You owe me 3400Hey, hey, dude.
你欠我3千4百 老兄

why are you changing the subject?What?

- Will you make the call or what? - Okay, I'll try.
你打不打电话? 好吧 我试试看

All right. Thanks, you're the best.The last day of auditions is Thursday, So I gotta get in there by Thursday. Okay?
万岁!谢了 你最好了 试镜是星期四截止

Just remember Thursday. Thursday. Can you remember Thursday?
我星期四之前得过去 记得星期四就对了 你记得吗?

Yeah, so Tuesday?


Look, if you need help remembering, just think of it like this.The third day. All right?

Monday, one day.Tuesday, two day.
星期一 一天 星期二 二天

Wednesday, when, huh, what day? Thursday.
星期三 三小? 哪一天?星期四

The third day, okay?
第三天 好吗?

- Thank you. - Okay.
谢谢你 不客气

- Hey, Mon, I'm gonna check my messages. - You just thought of that in there?
嘿 摩妮卡 我要听留官 你在厕所袒想到这个?

Sure, you know, nature called. She wants to see who else did.
当然 生理需求结束 她想知道还有谁需要她



You guys, someone is in our apartment. Call the cops.
我们家有人 快报警

You're on the phone.

- Oh, my God. - What?Oh, my God. Thank you.
天哪天哪 谢谢你

That was the Fire Department.- There was a fire at our place.
是消防队 家里失火了

- Oh, my God. How bad was it?
天哪 有多严重?

He didn't say, but it was a fire. I'm guessing not very good.
他没说 但失火总是不太妙

- Come on, we gotta go. - Phoebe, come on.
快走吧 快点

What are you smiling about? What is so funny?

The part I wanna audition for is a fireman. This is so meant to be.
我要应微的角色是消防队员 这真是天意

Wow. Looks like you were very generous with your grades this semester.
哇 你这学期的成绩给得很大方喔

- Professor Geller? - Yeah? Huh?
盖勒教授? 是?

I wanted to say how much I enjoyed your class.

Oh, thank you. Thanks very much. Ow.
谢谢你 非常成谢

I'm a little embarrassed about calling you a hottie on my evaluation.
很不好意思 在评监表说你是猛男

- That was you? Yeah.I felt a little weird about it.
那是你? 对 我后来觉得怪怪的

You're a teacher. I'm a student.
你是老师 我是学生

But would you maybe wanna go out with me sometime?

Oh, I Heh. I don't think that would be the best idea.
喔 我 这样恐怕不太好

Oh, because I was thinking, um, the semester's over.- You're not my teacher anymore
我想说学期结束后 你就不是我的老师了

What time?

Oh, you know what? Forget it. I see you already gave me an A.
当我没说 你已经给我A了

- Gotcha. - I'm kidding
了解 开玩笑的

So seriously, what time?
说真的 什么时候?

Coming through. Oh. Coming through.
借过 借过

Oh. Hello. Hi.

No, right. Coming through.
不对 借过

- Oh. - Okay. Yeah, most of the damage is pretty mostly contained in the bedrooms.
还好嘛 灾情主要集中在卧房

Hey, buddy, Hey buddy, do you think I can borrow your uniform this Thursday?
老兄 这星期四可以跟你借制服吗?

- Excuse me? - Joey. He's working.
什么? 乔伊 人家在忙

You would look good in that.

- Uh-oh. How bad is it? - Oh, it's bad, it's really bad.
灾情如何? 很惨 非常·惨

The only thing that isn't burned is an ax, which I do not remember buying.
只有一把斧头没被烧到 我根本不记得有买过

- How's your room, Rach? - Everything's ruined.My bed, my clothes.
瑞秋你的呢? 东西都烧光了、床铺、衣服

Look at my favorite blue sweater.Isn't that mine?
你看我最喜欢的蓝毛衣 那不是我的吗?

Fine. I'm sorry for your loss.
好 我对你的损失深感遗憾

You're not gonna be able to live here for a while.- You ladies have a place to stay?
这里暂时不能住人 你们有地方去吗?

Okay, look, pal. I am not in the mood to be hit on right now.
好 你给我听着 老兄 我现在没心情被搭讪

But if you give me your number, I will call you some other time.
不过要是你给我电话 我改天会打给你

Yes, they can stay with us.

Have you figured out what started the fire, Mr. Fireman?

Well, uh, do either of you smoke?

No, not usually.- But yeah, I could use one now. Thanks.
没有 不过现在来一根也好

- No, no.Do you light candles, burn incense?
不是 你们有人点蜡烛烧香吗?

- Yes, I do all the time. I love them.
有 我常点 我很喜欢

Oh, my God, I did it. It's me, it's me.I burned down the house. I burned down the house!
天哪 是我害的 我把房子给烧了

Okay, Phoebe, calm down. There's no need to place blame. Okay?
菲比 别激动 没有必要怪谁 好吗?

I warned her about those candles.

It's great to catch up. I can't believe how long it's been.
能聊聊真好 居然这么久了

Hey, Chandler, is that?
钱德 是不是

- Oh, that's great. Good for you.
太好了 恭喜你

- So, hey, hey, is it?

Okay, so, yeah, maybe we can get together, um
好 我们可以见个面

Can you hold on for one second, please?What?

When you're off the phone, you wanna get a pizza?
等你讲完 要不要叫彼萨?

Hi, I'm back.
嗨 我回来了

Yeah, that sounds great. Okay, well, we'll do it then. Okay, bye.
听起来不错 好 就这么决定好 再见

Hey, listen, so when's my audition? I know it's Thursday, but what time?
我什么时候试镜? 我知道是星期四 但是几点?

嗨 嘿

-We didn't get to the audition. I'm gonna take her to coffee and do it then. - Ah.
我们没聊到那个 我带她去喝咖啡时再说

Wow, so now you're going on a date with this girl?
哇 你要跟这梱女生约会?

Honey, it is not a date! I haven't talked to her in ten years!
这不是约会 我们失联10年

You can't call somebody you haven't talked to in 10 years and ask for a favor.
总不能一通电话过去 就要人家帮忙

There are rules, you know? You gotta put in some time.
要讲人情世故 花点时问客套

You're right, I'm sorry.- It's not like you're going out with an ex.
没错 对不起 你又不是去见旧情人

- No, we only went out once.

You dated her?

Not once.

Great. Why don't I just go out with an ex, you know, and do Joey a favor?
干脆我也去找个前男友 来帮乔伊的忙

Hey, you wanna do Joey a favor? Maybe you go out with Joey.

Oh. That's great. My friend Joey's in the movie business.
真好 我朋友乔伊也在电影圈

Mm. You know who I ran into from school? Howie.

- Hmm. My friend's name is Joey.

Apparently, Howie's editing now.
显然 豪伊在当剪接师

Yeah, he calls me up and asks me if he can edit my new movie.

Heh. Can you believe that?You know, I haven't spoken to him in, what, 10 years and he asks me for a favor?
你相信吗?我们10年没联络 他居然来找我帮忙

Yeah, I've always hated that Howie.

No "How you doing?" Man, I mean, not even a cup of coffee first.
连声好都没问 连先喝杯咖啡都没有

The nerve huh?


Now, this is last-minute, so I want to apologize for the mess.- Oh. Who cares?
事出突然 抱歉房里一团乱

Oh, my God.

It sure didn't look this way when I lived here.I know.
我住的时候绝对不是长这样 我知道

Now look, there's only one problem though. There's only room for one, so I guess one of you will have to stay at Joey's.
问题是这里只能睡一个人 另一个人得去住乔伊家

Well, since the fire was kind of my fault, I guess you should get to stay here.
既然火算是我放的 你就睡这里吧

Hey, hey, hey, now.This was no one's fault, Pheebs, okay? It was an accident.
嘿谁也没有错 那是捆意外

It was my fault. You should get the nice room.Okay.
不 是我害的 你应该睡这里 好吧

So, Rach, you're the first guest at Hotel Monica.
瑞秋 你是本饭店的首位贵客

you'll just have to tell me how you like your eggs in the morning. And I thought I would bring them to you, y'know, in bed.
你得告诉我早餐想吃什么蛋 我打算瑞到床上给你

Aw. - You've been through so much.I have.
你吃了这么多苦 就是啊

This right here is where I keep the pizza.

And that's where the napkin is.

- What's that smell? - I know. I don't
什么味道? 就是啊

Oh, please, it was such a big class. You never even noticed me.
拜托 那么大一个班 你根本没有注意到我

What? Of course I did. You sat next to Sleepy Sleeperson.Who?
当然有 你坐爱困睡人森旁边 谁?

Oh. I had trouble remembering everyone's names so I came up with nicknames.
我记不住全班的名字 就取绰号代替

Like the guy on the other side of you was Smelly von Brown-Shirt.

Oh, yeah. Ha, ha.

- So, um, did you have a nickname for me? - Uh, no. No.
你有帮我取绰号吗? 没有

Yes, you did. What was it?
你有 是什么?

Cutie McPretty.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Listen, I gotta tell you, I'm having a great time.
说真的 今晚真的很开心

Y'know how before you said it might be weird, the whole student teacher thing,

And to be frank, I thought it would be too. But it's not. I mean, it's not at all.
其实我也有同成 结果不会 一点也不会

- Dr. Geller. - Burt.
盖勒博士 伯特

So did you sleep well last night?

I did. - Yeah?I did. Monica was so sweet. She left a little mint on my pillow.
很好 摩妮卡还在我的枕头上 放了一小片薄荷

- Know what Joey left on my pillow?

什么? 口香糖

- Well, we determined the cause of the fire.

- Yeah, I know. It was my candle, my candle.
我知道 是我的蜡烛害的

No, there was an appliance left on in the bathroom.It looks like a curling iron.
不是 浴室有个电器没拔掉 好像是卷发器

- I don't use a curling iron. - Well, someone does.
我没用卷发器 总有人在用

Don't look at me, my hair's straight. Straight, straight, straight.
别看我 我的头发是直的 直的直的直的

- It could've been a hair-straightener. - Oh.

This is where I keep the pizza.

And Hey, where'd the napkin go?

There you go. I wouldn't want my best guest to strain her eyes.
好了 可不能让贵客眼睛疲劳

Thanks, Monica.

- Does that smell bother you?

- What, the smell from Joey's?No, I can hardly smell it over here.

Well, you let me know if you can. Because I can bake a pie to cover it.
闻得到就说 我可以烤个派把它盖过去

- I can smell it a little. Bake the pie. - Okay.
有点闻得到 烤个派吧 好

Hello?Oh, yes, one minute, please.
喂?在 请稍候

It's for you. It's the fire inspector.

Oh. Hello? Yeah, this is Phoebe.


Yeah, so it turns out that it wasn't the hair-straightener that started the fire.
是的 所以直发夹不是起火原因

No, no. It was the candles.Yeah. It's very not good leaving candles unattended.
不 是蜡烛 把蜡烛点着不管实在不太好

In fact, one of the first things they teach you in fire school is

Uh, okay, well, I have to go now.
好 我该挂了

We had such a great time. She's incredible.
我们玩得好开心 她好棒

I thought the age difference might be a problem, but it wasn't.It wasn't at all.
我以为年龄会造成问题 结果一点也不会

Elizabeth is very mature for her age.

A concept lost on some people.

So it's okay to date a student?

Well, not really.I mean, technically, it's not against the rules or anything.But it is frowned upon
也不是 技术上没触犯校规 但是会受争议

especially by that professor we ran into last night.Judgy von Holier-Than-Thou.
尤其是我们昨晚遇见的教授 属于自以为是的学者

Just be careful, okay?You don't wanna get a reputation as Professor McNails-His-Students. Ha, ha.
罗斯 小心一点 别被叫成麦泡学生教授

- Yeah. What should I do?

- Well, Ross, it seems pretty clear.I mean, what's more important, what people think or how you feel? Huh?
很简单 什么比较重要? 别人的看法还是你的感觉?

- Ross, you gotta follow your heart.

- Joey, that is so sweet.
乔伊 你说得真好

- Hey. - Hey, hey.
嘿 嘿

So how'd it go with Dana?Any reason I should leave a block of time open, say, Thursday?
你跟黛娜谈得怎样? 我星期四该不该空出时问来?

- I couldn't do it. - You couldn't do it?
我说不出口 你说不出口?

Relax, I just need more time. We're going to dinner tonight.
别急 我需要更多时间 我们晚上要吃饭

What? You're going out with her again?

- Going out with who? - Dana Keystone, from college.
跟谁出去? 大学的黛娜基史东

Oh, yeah. Wasn't she, uh, mm?
喔 对 她不是

No, that was Dana Kaplan.
不 那是黛娜卡普林

- Joey, you didn't even know her. - Yeah, whatever.
乔伊 你根本不认识她 随便啦

Great story again.The yarns that you weave.
故事真的好棒 好错综复杂

You know, uh, actually, I should get going.

Oh, no, no, no, stay, stay, because you should.You should stay.
留下来 你应该留下来

Oh, I am really flattered.But I just I don't feel that way about you.
我真的很受宠若惊 但是我对你没感觉

- Oh, no, no, no. That's not No, no, no.
不 我不是不是

I'm sorry, Chandler.You know, you are such a sweet guy, and I don't wanna hurt you.
钱德 对不起 你人很好 我也不想伤害你

Oh, I wish there were something I could do to make you feel better.No, no, no Really?
真希望有什么可以让你好过点 不真的吗?

Of course.

Well, it just hurts so bad, I, uh
我真是太伤心了 我

Oh, I'm sorry.

- Well, maybe there is one thing you can do. - What? Anything. Anything.
或许你可以做件事 什么事?你尽管说

Well, I mean, this is just off the top of my head now. Um

Ahem. But I have this friend, uh, this actor friendand he would kill me if he knew that I was doing this, um
我有个演员朋友 他要是知道一定会杀了我

but, um, would it be possible for him to get an audition for your movie,say, on Thursday?
但你可不可能让他去为你的电影试镜 就星期四吧?


But you'd really feel better about me rejecting you,if your friend can audition for my movie?
但是我让你的朋友来试镜 真的能让你好过一点?

Well, the heart wants what it wants. I'll see you later.
这是我的心愿 再见

Hey. How's it going?Well, not much has changed in the last five minutes.
怎么样啊? 这5分钟都没什么变化

Yes, it has. I made cookies.
其实有 我烤了饼干

That's all right. I'm still full from your homemade potato chips, so
不了 我还在消化你做的薯片

Oh. But you should eat them now because they're hot from the oven.

- Okay. - Oh. But not in here.
好 但不是在这里

Can't eat them in bed, remember? No crummies.
床上不能吃饼干 不能掉屑屑

I'll be out in a second.Okay.
好 我.马上出去 好

- What are you doing? - This doesn't lock, does it?
你在干什么? 门锁不起来对吧?

- Oh. Joey, sorry. Oh.
乔伊 对不起

- Oh, it's all right, don't worry about it.
没关系 别在意

No, but look. Oh, that's gonna leave a stain.
但是你看 会有污渍

Rach, hey, it's fine. You're at Joey's.
瑞秋 没关系 这是乔伊家

- Really? - Yeah, look.
真的吗? 当然 你看

- I've never lived like this before. - I know.
我没有这样吃过东西 我知道

All right, well, don't waste it. I mean, it's still food.
别浪费了 这是食物

What do you wanna do now, huh? You wanna go get a drink?

Uh, I can't.

- Oh, you have some studying to do? - No, I have some turning 21 to do.
你要念书? 不是 我要满21岁才行

You know, I remember when I was in college, we used to
我以前念大学时 我们都

- What are you doing? - Nothing, I'm justI'm so comfortable with you.
你干什么? 没事 我只是觉得好舒服

- Do you not wanna be seen with me?

- What?No, of course I do. Are they gone?
什么?当然不是 他们走了吗?

No, they're still here. But I think I'm about to leave.What? No, no, wait, wait.
他们还在 不过我要走了 什么?等下

You're right, this is stupid. Who cares what people think?
你说得对 这样太蠢了 管别人怎么想

I mean, we like each other, right? There's nothing wrong with that.
我们情投意合 对吧? 这样并没有错

Come on.

Burt. Lydia. Mel.

- This is Elizabeth. - Hi.
这位是伊丽莎白 嗨

Aren't you in my Popular Culture class?

That's right, Lydia. Elizabeth here is a student.And we're dating.
没错 莉蒂亚 伊丽莎白是学生 我们在交柱

And you may frown upon that but we're not gonna hide it anymore.
你们可以皱眉摇头 但我们不会再躲了

You are so fired.

- What?

- They're gonna fire you.You can't date a student. It's against the rules.
你会被解聘 跟学生交往是违规的

Really? It's not just frowned upon?

I love it at Joey's.

- So you busy Thursday?

- Oh, very funny.I don't know if you remember, but my audition was supposed to be Thursday.
真好笑 不晓得你记不记得 我的试镜就是星期四

You got me the audition?Yeah. - Oh, let's hug it up.

Okay, okay, okay.

What are you gonna do to me if you get the part?

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

- Hi. - Hi.
嗨 嗨

- Yeah, okay, I need to talk to you. Uh-huh.

Now, I know that they said that the hair-straightener started the fire but I think I'm partly at fault.
我知道他们说直发夹是起火原 但我也有责任

You see, I didn't tell you, but, um, I had recently refilled the tissues.
我没有告诉你 我放了新的卫生纸

And so, you know, let's face it, that's just kindling.

So I think it's better that I stay at Joey's.

No, no, no, Phoebe, this was my fault.- Besides, you know what? I'm fine here. Okay.
不 菲比 都是我不好 而且我在这里好得很

- Oh, Chandler, Monica's looking for you. - Really?
好吧钱德 摩妮卡在找你 是喔?

- Yeah, she said something about crummies.

- No, no, no. I was so careful.
不会吧 我那么小心

Okay. You have to switch with me. Monica is driving me crazy.
好 你一定要跟我换 摩妮卡快把我逼疯了

That's right. All the ladies wanna stay at Joey's.
没错 小姐们都想住乔伊家

No, Phoebe, come on, I don't wanna switch.Please. Come on, I can throw wet paper towels here.
不要 我不想换 拜托啦 我在这里可以扔纸巾

No, but at Monica's, you can eat cookies over the sink.

I know. I'm sorry.All right, fine.
我知道 对不起 好吧 算了

- This looks like so much fun. God, what a mess.
这个好像很好玩 湿答答的

Wow, it actually is in the handbook.

I can't date you or have a hot plate in my office.
我不能和你约会 或是在研究室放电磁炉

Oh, I can't believe we have to stop seeing each other.

For what it's worth, I did appreciate you standing up for me.That felt really nice.
不过谢谢你为我挺身而出 我好成动

Kind of made me like you even more.

I know, I know. I really like you too. But we can't date.
我知道 我也很喜欢你 但是我们不能交往

It's against the rules. It's forbidden.

- What?

- Just hearing you describe it as forbidden, it's really hot.
光听你说校规"禁止" 就觉得好性成

真的? 对

Well, I don't care how hot it is, it's, uh It's wrong.
不管有多性威 这都是错的

- Stop it.

- No, no. It's wrong. It's,It's naughty.
不 这是错的 这样很坏

It's taboo.

Shut the book.

- Hey. Let's also get a hot plate. - Oh.

- Hey. - Hey.
嘿 嘿

- So? - So?
怎样啊? 怎样?

- It's Thursday. How was the audition?
今天是星期四 试镜结果如何?

- It's Thur?Monday, one day. Tuesday, two day. Wednesday, when, huh, what day? Thur
哈?星期一一天 星期二二天 星期三三小?星期四

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