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老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十一集 S08E11 The One with Ross

老友记/六人行/Friends 第八季 第十一集 S08E11 The One with Ross's Step Forward / 罗斯迈步向前行

Ross and Mona took pictures of themselves at the Rockefeller Center and now Mona wants to send the picture as a Holiday card to friends. Ross freaks out at the thought of them sending out Holiday cards together because they've only been dating a couple of months. Ross tries to have a conversation about their relationship and says all the wrong things and ends up giving Mona a key to his apartment. Chandler has to tell his boss that he split up with Monica in order to prevent that Monica has to have dinner with Chandler and his boss. 罗斯和Mona拍摄了自己在洛克菲勒大厦现在莫娜希望将图片作为一个节日贺卡给朋友。罗斯吓坏了一想到他们发送节日贺卡,因为他们已经约会了几个月。罗斯试图就他们的关系的谈话,说的都是错的,最终给莫娜他公寓的钥匙。钱德勒告诉他的老板,他分裂了莫妮卡,莫妮卡为了防止有跟钱德和他的老板吃饭。


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- Phoebe. - Yeah?
- 菲比 - 干嘛?

Look at that guy by the window. Wow!
快看窗边那个男的 哇

He's awfully short. And I think he's talking to himself.
他真的好矮 而且我想他在自言自语

And to be completely honest, he's not that good in bed.
老实说 他的床上功夫不怎么样

Ugh, what is wrong with me lately? I mean it's like every guy I see
我最近是怎么了? 我对我看到的每个男人心动

I mean look here. Look at that guy, for example.

I mean normally that's not someone I would-would be attracted too

But right now, with the way I'm feeling...

...all I wanna do is rip off his sweatpants and fanny pack.

Wait a second! This is about the fourth month of your pregnancy, right?
等一下 你怀孕大概四个月了吧?

- Yeah. - This is completely normal.
- 对 - 这真的很正常

Around the fourth month, your hormones start going crazy.
怀孕四个月时 你的荷尔蒙会很混乱

- Really? So this happened to you? - Absolutely, yeah.
- 真的吗?你也会这样? - 没错

And keep in mind now, I was carrying triplets.

So in medical terms, I was thrice as randy.
在医学上来说 我的症状要强上三倍

Wow, this explains so much.

Last weekend, I went from store to store, sitting on Santas' laps.
上周末我走遍每一家店 坐在圣诞老人的膝盖上

Yeah, I remember trying to steal...
对 我记得我想要 从运动鞋店...

...a cardboard cutout of Evander Holyfield from a Footlocker.
偷走 艾凡德霍利菲尔德的人形立牌

- Yeah, ugh.

Well, y'know what? I go see my doctor tomorrow. I'll ask her about this.
明天我得去看医生 我会问问她的

Maybe she can give me a pill or something.
或许她可以 开个药给我吃

Yeah, that's what you need. A good pill.
对 那正是你需要的东西 你需要吃药

- Hey. - Hey.
- 嘿 - 嘿

- Hey. - Hi.
- 嘿 - 嗨

Look! I got our pictures developed from Rockefeller Center.
我把我们到洛克菲勒中心的照片 洗出来了

Oh, great. Joey, wanna check out pictures of me and Mona ice-skating?
太棒了 乔伊 你想看我跟蒙娜去溜冰的照片吗?

Oh, uh, ordinarily I would love to, but I am just swamped right now.
通常我会想看 但现在我真的好忙

Where are the pictures that creepy pretzel vendor took of us together?
那个怪咸酥饼小贩 帮我们合拍的照片在哪里?

Oh, yeah. Probably at the end.
对 或许在最后面

Oh, my God. All he took were pictures of my breasts!
天啊 他只拍了我的胸部

I'm missing picture time?

You know, she has a face, Ross.
她长得也不错耶 罗斯

- Okay, here's a good one of us. - Wow, that is a good one.
- 我们这张合照很不错 - 那张真的很棒

Wow, It looks like a holiday card...

...with the tree in the middle

and the skaters and the snow.

Y'know, every year I say I'm gonna send out holiday cards and I never do it.
每年我都说我会寄贺节卡 但我从来没有那么做

Do you wanna, do you wanna send this one out together?
你要跟我一起 寄出这张卡片吗?

Together? Like, to people?

Yeah, y'know."Happy Holidays, from Mona and Ross." lt'll be cute. Okay?
对 "佳节愉快 蒙娜跟罗斯上" 那一定会很棒 好吗?

Heh. Uh, okay.

- Oh, I gotta get to work. So call me later? - Sure.
- 我得去上班了 待会打电话给我? - 没问题

- Bye, guys. -Bye.
- 大家再见 - 再见

- Bye. - Yeah.
- 再见 - 再见

Congratulations! You just got married!
恭喜 你刚刚结婚了

I know. Can you believe that?
我知道 你相信吗?

I'm sorry. What's the big deal about a holiday card?

Married couples send out cards. Families send out cards.
已婚夫妻跟家人 才会一起寄照片

People who've been dating a few months do not send out cards. Is she crazy?
约会了几个片的情侣 不会一起寄卡片 她疯了吗?

Hey, hey, hey. That's your wife you're talking about.

- Bing! and the Bingette!
宾 宾太太

- Honey, you remember my boss, Doug. - Yes. Hi.
- 老婆 你记得我老板道格 - 对 嗨

So, good news, the divorce is final. I signed the papers this a.m.
好消息 我已经离婚了 我今天早上签了文件

I didn't know you were getting a divorce. I'm sorry.
我不知道你离婚了 我很遗憾

Heh, sorry? Finally chewed my leg out of that bear trap.
遗憾?我终于 可以离开那个苦牢了

- Hey! Congratulations to you guys. - No leg chewing for us sir
- 恭喜你们 - 我们没有离婚

Well, give it time.

So! The divorce, the marriage, we got a lot to celebrate.
我们要庆祝 离婚跟结婚

How about we go out to dinner tomorrow night?
我们明晚 何不一起吃晚餐?

I can't think of anything we're doing.
我想不出来 我们要做什么事

Why can't I think of anything we're doing?
为什么我想不出来 我们要做什么事?

Tomorrow night it is. I should be out of court by 6.
那么就说定明晚了 我六点可以离开法庭

They keep throwing sexual harassment cases at me...
他们一直 把性骚扰案丢给我...

...and I keep knocking them out of the park!
我一直 把他们打得毫无退路

Okay, see you tomorrow.
好吧 明天见

Just so you know, we're not seeing him tomorrow.
你知道的 我们明天不能跟他见面

I cannot spend another evening with that man.

Do you remember how he behaved at our wedding?
你记得他在我们的婚礼上 做了什么吗?

- No. - Because he wasn't invited.
- 不记得 - 那是因为我们没有邀请他

Because of the way he behaved at our engagement party.
因为他在我们的订婚派对上 为非作歹

Oh, yeah. Boy, urine cuts right through an ice sculpture, doesn't it?
对 他小便时 直接喷中了冰雕 对吧?

- Hi! - Hey.
- 嗨 - 嘿

Hey, I went by the photo shop. Take a look.
我去过冲印店了 你看

Here is a mockup of our card. What do you think?
这是卡片的初稿 你觉得呢?

Huh. Wow, this is great.

Now, do you think it should say, "Love, Ross and Mona"?
你觉得我们该写上 "爱你们的罗斯跟蒙娜"吗?

Well, we haven't said that to each other yet...
我们还没有 对彼此那么说...

...but I guess it's okay to say it to other people.
但我猜跟其他人那么说 应该没关系

- How many did you want? I'm getting 100. - A hundred?
- 你要多少张?我要一百张 -一百张?

Well, I, uh, guess I'll take, uh...


Uh, I don't... I'm not sure about the whole, uh, card thing.
我不确定 印卡片这件事对不对

Really? Why not?

Sending out a holiday card together?

I just don't know if we're really quite there yet.
我不知道我们是不是 到了那个地步

I didn't think of it that way. You're right. You're right.
我没想到那一点 你说的对

- So can I ask you a question? - Yeah.
- 我能问你一个问题吗? - 好啊

- Where are we?

You know, where are we? Where is this relationship going?
我们到了哪个地步? 这段关系会有什么结局?

I mean, I love spending time with you. I hope we're moving forward.
我喜欢跟你在一起 我只是希望我们往前走

We should talk about that, don't you think?
我们该谈一谈 你不觉得吗?

Let's do the card!

- What? - The card! I think we're there.
- 什么? - 卡片 我想我们到了那个地步

Okay, but I still think we should have this conversation.
好吧 但我还是觉得 我们应该谈一谈

Really? I mean, even with the card?
真的吗? 即使我们印了卡片?

- Hi. - Hi.
- 你好 - 你好

Just so you know, Dr. Long can't be here today. She was called to the hospital.

So Dr. Schiff will be seeing you.

Okay. Can I ask you a question?
好吧 我能问你一个问题吗?

Was it me, or was the guy who took my blood sample really cute?
是我有问题 还是帮我抽血的那个家伙真的很帅?

You know who I'm talking about? Bowl haircut, hairy fingers?
你知道我在说谁吗? 那个马桶盖头 手指都是毛的家伙

- Hi, Rachel. I'm Dr. Schiff. - Yes, you are.
- 你好 瑞秋 我是辛夫医生 - 你就是啊

So how's it going?

Oh, it's really good. But enough about me! Come on.
真的很不错 但别谈我了

Where are you from? What do you do?
你是哪里人? 你是做哪一行的?

- I'm a doctor. -Right! Right! I-I actually meant
- 我是医生 - 对 我是指...

in your spare time. Do you cook?Do you ski?
你有空的时候 你会煮饭或滑雪吗?

Or do you just hang out with your wife or girlfriend?
或你会跟太太 还是女朋友一起出去玩?

I don't have a wife or girlfriend, but I do like to ski.
我没有太太或女朋友 但我很喜欢滑雪

I love to ski! How amazing is this?
我喜欢滑雪 那真的很神奇吧?

- So, are you experiencing any discomfort?- No, I'm very comfortable.
- 你觉得不舒服吗? - 不 我非常舒服

- Any painful gas? - No!
- 放屁会不舒服吗? - 不会

Ew, Dr. Schiff! What kind of question is that?
辛夫医生 那是哪门子的问题?

Okay, then. Would you like to lie down on the table?
好吧 麻烦你躺下来

Would you like me to lie down on the table?

- Sorry, is there something going on here? - Do you feel it too?
- 这是怎么- 回事? - 你也感觉到了吗?

- Hi. - Oh, hey. So...
- 嗨 - 那个... did your doctor's appointment go? - Well, let's see.
- 门诊看得如何? - 让我想一想

Uh, they gave me "cute boy" doctor today.
今天他们派了 一个帅哥医生给我

In the middle of the exam I put my pinkie in his chin dimple.
检查到一半 我用手指指着他下巴的酒窝中

- Oh, my God! - Why did you do that?
- 天啊 - 你为什么要那么做?

Okay, remember that problem I was having during my fourth month of pregnancy?
还记得我怀孕四个月时 出的那个小问题吗?

Oh, yeah, the Evander Holyfield phase.
对 艾凡德霍利菲尔德的人形立牌

Oh, man. You were so hard up, you practically came on to me.
天啊 你真的很难受 你甚至想泡我

You wish!

Hey, I could've had you if I wanted you.
如果我真的要你 我可以把上你

Oh, yeah? Come and get it.

Okay, even this is turning me on.
好了 连这段对话 都能中包起我的欲望

- Hey. - Oh, hey.
- 嘿 - 嘿

Hey, Ross. How's it going with you and Mona?
罗斯 你跟蒙娜还好吧?

You guys still together?

Oh, yeah, we're moving forward. You'll be getting our card.
对 我们有所进展 你会接到我们的卡片

You and Mona are doing a holiday card together?

We're not just doing a card.

She also wants to have the conversation about where the relationship is going.
她还要谈一谈我们的交往 会有什么结局

Ugh, women.

I know! Why do you guys need to have this conversation, huh?
我知道 为什么你们需要谈一谈

No self-respecting man would ask a woman, "So where is this going?"
懂得自我尊重的男人不会问女人 "我们会有什么结局?"

Uh, Ross, you asked me that.
罗斯 你问过我

Hey, you were a closed book, okay? I'm not a mind reader!
你像是本没打开的书 好吗? 我不会读心术

Besides, I hate those conversations. I'm horrible at them, really.
而且我讨厌谈那些事 我真的不太会应付那些事

Maybe I need some kind of a gesture.

Y'know, something that says we're moving forward without having to talk about it.
我们的确有进展 不必去谈这件事

- Like asking her to move in with you? - Wha...? Ha. Smaller than that.
- 像是请她搬去跟你一起住? - 比那个小

- Making her a mix tape? - Uh, bigger than that.
- 帮她录录音带? - 比那个大

- Give her a key to your apartment. -Whoa-hello! We were closer with the mixed tape.
- 给她你家的钥匙 - 我们比较接近录录音带

All right. Have you said, "I love you?" You could say, I love you.
你说过"我爱你"吗? 你可以说"我爱你"

I don't... I don't think I'm quite there yet.

But, oh, I could say, "I love spending time with you."
但我可以说 "我喜欢跟你在一起"

- No, we hate that. - That is a slap in the face.
- 我们讨厌那句话 - 那像是被人打了一巴掌

Oh, forget it. You know what? I'll just have the conversation.
算了 你们知道吗? 我会跟她谈

I'll just say, "I like things the way they are," and hope for the best.
我会说我喜欢我们现在的样子 并怀着最好的期待

What do you think, Rach?

I think if it was a little colder in here...
我想 如果这里冷一点...

...I could see your nipples through that sweater.
我可以看到 你的乳头硬起来

Bing, we're all set for tonight. 8:00.
宾 我们今晚八点出发

Oh, uh, as it turns out, we can't do it. Monica has to work.
我们没办法去 摩妮卡得上班

Oh. My ex-wife didn't work.

Unless you call turning into her mother "work."
除非你说 回娘家是"上班"

Now, fine. Tomorrow night, then.
好吧 那么明天晚上

Oh, uh, well, tomorrow's no good for her, either.

Oh? Why not?

It's the semifinals...

...of her...

...bocce ball tournament.

- What's going on, Bing?

Does, uh, your wife have a problem with me, or something?

Well now you're just talking crazy.

Then why can't the three of us go out together?
我们三个 为什么不能一起出去?

Because, uh, we split up.

Monica and I split up.

Hold me.

Good God, Bing.
天啊 宾

Well, I can't say I'm altogether surprised.

I saw the way she looked at you, and there was no love there.
我看到她看你的眼神 就知道她不爱你

And the way she looked at me, pure lust.
她看着我时 充满了欲望

Y'know what would really help me through this tough time
在这种时候只有... choking someone. Can I choke you?
拈人才能让我泄愤 我可以拈你吗?

Bing, my boy, we're gonna get you over this.
宾 孩子 我们得让你忘了这件事

Here's the plan: Grab your coat, we're going to a strip club!
我有个计划 拿着你的外套 我们去脱衣舞俱乐部

Oh, no, Monica would freak.
不 摩妮卡会生气的

But to hell with that bitch!

Here we go.

Ah, Mona, um...

...I think it's time we had a conversation about where things are with us.
我们该来谈谈 我们之间了

Yeah, I think I suggested that.

Heh. Uh, we are so...

So, um...

...well, I really like you.

And I love, um, you know, hanging out with you.

And I'm having a lot of fun.


I mean, there's no point in spending time with someone if it's just fun.
如果只是为了好玩 我们就不必交往了

- It's gotta be going somewhere, right?
我们得有结果 对吧?

So where is it going?

That's the real question.

And the answer is...
答案是...'s going somewhere...

I know what you're thinking. Fun was fine for you 10 years ago.
我知道你在想什么 10年前你只想玩玩

- But you're not getting any younger.

No, I mean, not you. Not you. You are getting younger!
我不是说你 不是你 你越来越年轻了

I mean - you-you look like you're getting younger by the second - What's your secret?
你每一秒都在变年轻 你有什么秘诀?

I'm sorry, so, uh, where are we?
抱歉 我们是什么关系?

Well, to sum up:

We're having fun. You look young.
我们很开心 你看起来很年轻

- Okay - But that's not enough.
- 好吧 - 但那是不够的

So, heh, so...
所以...'s a key to my apartment.

- Really? - Really.
- 真的吗? - 真的

- You don't think this is too fast?

You gave her a key to your apartment?
你给她 你家的钥匙?

Not just a key, I gave her the only key!
不只是那样 我给了她我唯一的钥匙

I am now a homeless person in a very serious relationship.
现在我是个很认真谈恋爱 无家可归的家伙

- Oh, Ross, how'd the conversation go? - Great. I live on the street.
- 罗斯 你们谈的如何? - 很棒 现在我流落街头


- Hey! - Hi.
- 嘿 - 嗨

Okay, Monica, Rachel, this is my friend Roger.
好 摩妮卡 瑞秋 他是我朋友罗杰

- Hi, Roger. -Hi, Roger.
- 嗨 罗杰 - 嗨 罗杰

- Hi. - So, um, I'm gonna get us some drinks.
- 你好 - 我去拿饮料

- Could you help me?

Yeah, okay.

Um, he's here to have sex with you.

- What? - You're welcome.
- 什么? - 别客气

Phoebe, no!
菲比 不

It's okay. He's a virgin.
没关系 他是个处男

Rachel, um, I was talking to this guy...
瑞秋 我跟这个家伙提过

...and I think he'll have sex with you. - Okay...
- 我想他会跟你做爱 - 这个...

- Yeah, okay. Let's leave these two alone. - Aah!

No. I don't care what my hormones are doing.
不 我不在乎我的荷尔蒙在做什么

I'm not gonna just do it with some random guy.

Fine! Then you tell Roger because he was really looking forward to this!
好吧 那么你去告诉罗杰 因为他真的很期待

Ooh, Bing, look at those twin sisters dancing together.
宾 看看那对双胞胎姐妹 一起跳舞

Let me buy you a lap dance with those girls, huh?
我出钱请她们 坐在你大腿上跳舞

That's all right, sir. And that's just one girl.
没关系 只有一个女孩在跳舞

Bing, what's this?
宾 这是什么?

It's a hand. It's a thing you use as a Jack and Coke holder.
那是一只手 是你用来拿酒的东西

No, it's a wedding ring. You gotta get rid of it.
那是婚戒 把它丢了

We're gonna go to the East River right now and throw it in there!

- Oh, no, no, no! - Yeah, yeah!
- 不 - 要

I did, and I felt a hell of a lot better!
我那么做了 那让我觉得好多了

If you whip it right, you might hit a seagull in the head.

Okay. Oh, I'm gonna need a bunch of extra keys.
好吧 我需要一堆备用钥匙

Apparently, I give them away for no reason at all.
很明显地 我会毫无理由地将它们送人

Hey, Ross, what's going on? You changing the lock?
罗斯 发生了什么事? 你在换锁?

No, heh.

That guy is.

I don't understand.

You give me a key to your apartment and then change the lock?
你把你家的钥匙给我 然后你换了锁?

- Good luck, buddy.

Um, I thought we were moving forward.

And now you're sending me all these mixed signals.

What are you trying to tell me?

I'm trying to tell you...

...I made you a mix tape.

- What? - I love you.
- 什么? - 我爱你

And I love spending time with you.

- Hi, honey, I'm home. - From the tequila factory?
- 老婆 我回来了 - 你从龙舌兰酒工厂回来?

It was awful.

To get out of dinner with Doug, I told him you and I split up.
为了逃避跟道格的晚餐约会 我告诉他你跟我分居了

So he took me to all these strip clubs and sleazy bars.
他拖我去脱衣舞俱乐部 还有色情酒吧

And when I wouldn't give him my wedding ring, he threw a soda can at a bird.
我不肯把婚戒交给他 他用汽水罐丢小鸟

Come here. I can breathe through my mouth.
过来 我可以用嘴巴呼吸

Know what the worst part was?

I got to see what my life would be like without you.
我可以看到 没有你的生活

It was like It's a Wonderful Life with lap dances.
那像是有三贴舞的 《风云人物》

Please promise me that you'll never leave me...
请答应我 你永远不会离开我...

...that we'll grow old together, and be with each other for the rest of our lives.
我们会一起变老 相伴一生

I promise.

Hey, speaking of together, how about we send out a holiday card this year?
说到相伴一生 我们今年一起寄贺节卡吧

Ooh, I don't know if we're there yet.

Yes, I'd like to order a pizza. Can I ask you a question?
我想订彼萨 我能问你一个问题吗?

Is the cute blond guy delivering tonight? Very "Abercrombie & Fitch."
今晚是那个金发帅哥外送吗? 长得又酷又时髦的那个

- I'll call you back. - Who was that?
- 我再打给你 - 你在跟谁讲电话?

- Just the pizza place. - You hung up on the pizza place?
- 我在订彼萨 - 你挂掉彼萨店的电话?

I don't hang up on your friends.

- I'm sorry honey, I'm just having a, having a rough day- Oh. What's wrong?
- 抱歉 今天我很不好受 - 怎么了?

- Oh you really, you really just don't want to hear about it.- Then why did I ask?
- 你不会想听的 - 不然我为什么要问?

Okay. It's just that this is really embarrassing.

But lately with this pregnancy thing...

...I'm just finding myself...

How do I put this?

Erotically charged.

Is that college talk for "horny"?

Yeah. So, you know, I have all of these feelings...
对 我有那样的感觉

...and I don't know what to do about them.

Because I can't date like a normal person.

Which is fine, I don't need a relationship.
没关系 因为我不需要男朋友

All I really want is one great night. Just sex.
我只要一夜情 我只要性

You know? No strings attached. No relationship.
没有牵绊 没有责任

Just with someone I feel comfortable with and who knows what he's doing.
跟我喜欢的人在一起 他得知道他在做什么

For just one great night. I mean, is that really so hard...
只要疯狂度过一夜 那真的那么难... find?

So how was your day?

Good. I, uh, saw a pretty big pigeon.
很好 我看见一只大鸽子

I gotta get up early, and it's almost 7:00.
我还得早起 快七点了

Yeah, I gotta go to my room too.

-Okay, good night. - Good night!
- 晚安 - 晚安

- I can't do it! - I didn't ask you to do it!
- 我不能那么做 - 我没有要你那么做

- You're Rachel! - You're Joey!
- 你是瑞秋 - 你是乔伊

- You're my friend! Yeah. - Right back at you.
- 你是我的朋友 - 你也是我的朋友

Plus, it would be wrong, and weird and bad!
对 而且那是不对的 那既奇怪又糟糕

So bad! I don't even know what you're talking about because I didn't ask you to do anything!
太糟糕了 但我不知道你在说什么 我没有要求你做什么事

I know!

- You wanna do it? - No!
- 你想做吗? - 不

- Me neither, I'm just testing you! - That's the end of this conversation!
- 我也不想 我只是在考验你 - 那么就这样了

- This conversation never happened. - Never happened.
- 我们没谈过这件事 - 没错

- Good night. - Good night!
- 晚安 - 晚安

Get back in there!

Hi. Listen, ahem, I'm sorry about that whole thing with Roger.
听着 关于罗杰的事 我很抱歉

It really wasn't right, and I wanna make it up to you.
那真的是不对的 我想弥补你

So, um, I brought you something...

...that I think you'll really enjoy. Okay.

Now this is just a loan, okay? I'm gonna want him back. So...
我只是借给你用 好吗? 我会把它拿回去的

I'm gonna go now.

I'm sorry, I thought I could do it, and I can't.
抱歉 我以为我办得到 但我不能

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